Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeEditorialLetters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

We are writing, in part, to let Josh Larson know that he does not stand alone. We too were saddened to once again be asked to accept and celebrate the “di­versity” of the “LGBTQ+” community in our town. As christians who believe God’s Word as truth, we cannot be accepting, nor celebrate what God has called an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), and that the Apostle Paul addressed once again in his letter to the Romans (Romans 1:24-27).

The letters that were printed in response to Josh Lar­son’s letter used the words “judge”, “hate”, “harass”, and “ridicule”. First of all please know that we do not “sit in judgement”. We know that we are all sinners who fall short of the glory of God, and as such, we all sit under the righteous judgement of God. But we are to admonish each other to keep God’s command­ments and live a life that honors Him. And a life lived for Him does not judge, hate, harass or ridicule.

And while there is love for the person, there is not acceptance or celebration of a life that goes against God’s desires for how He wants us to live. This is true for all of us. We struggle against the flesh every day, but Jesus said “My yoke is easy and My burden is light”. God bless you.

Gary and Gail Hanson, Two Harbors

Dear Editor:

The city of Silver Bay is proposing a new law that would make it illegal to have ANY items on your property that are not under a shelter. Even your lawn chair, fire pit, flow­erpot, brush, shovel, or other “personal prop­erty”, if it isn’t under a shelter, could be con­sidered illegal. The proposed new city code is extremely broad and states that “’unshel­tered storage’ includes, but is not limited to: machinery, implements, equipment, person­al property…” etc. This new law would be so broad that having any personal property that does not have a shelter over it could be considered illegal.

Note that the city already has a waste ac­cumulation law – city code 550.03. – that states that you can’t store things in a way that could harbor mice, snakes, or vermin, or that could create fire, health, or safety haz­ards. The new proposed city code, however, is extremely broad and reckless.

The city is also making numerous changes to other city codes. Once such change is that no weed or any piece of grass anywhere on your property can get over 8 inches. Back-to-the-woods houses will legally have to mow even past the woods to the end of their property. Another proposed change to the city code is that nonpayment of administra­tive citations (which includes forgetting to pay a parking ticket or not being able to pay a $500 citation for having personal property in your yard) is a misdemeanor and can be punished by up to a 90-day imprisonment.

One thing I love about our city is that we are blessed with some really great police officers. This new code change would ob­viously put the police in the untenable posi­tion of having laws that the city doesn’t even intend to be enforced because it could affect the majority of the residents of Silver Bay, but yet the police will be forced to arbitrate. The vague and broad wording causes selec­tive enforcement. Creating a way that can be used to target specific residents is wrong. And we should not be passing laws that we don’t intend to enforce. Either have a city ordinance that is applied uniformly or don’t have one.

The city is having a public hearing and council meeting August 5th at 7 p.m. at the Reunion Hall to talk about this. The pro­posed amendment can be found at City Hall.

Thank you,
Chasya Goutermont


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