Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeEditorialLetter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

My wife and I have lived here for near­ly ten years, and have six wonderful chil­dren. We are Christians that serve the true and living God and our community. We were saddened to see that the city of Two Harbors decided to add a Pride Event to Heritage Days this past weekend. To cele­brate and promote a “lifestyle” that God has condemned and called an “abomination”, is foolish, to say the least. And to present this said “lifestyle” as good, normal, and healthy to the children of our community is a downright shame. This event was adver­tised as “Family Friendly” which I thought was ironic. If there is anything that has done more harm as of late to the traditional family than the LGBTQ+ movement, I don’t know what is. Psalm 127:3 says “Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Our greatest heritage or inheritance that we have is our children, and we would do well to bring them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. God has set forth his laws and commandments in his word the Bible, that we might know how we are to live. Did you know that God will never command you to do anything that is evil or wrong, and that he will never forbid you to do anything that is good and right? God is Righteous and Holy and Good and Just and he loves us perfectly.

For those of you who have no respect for God or his word, countless studies have been done on children and what kind of fam­ily structure and home environment is best. The family that consists of one biological born man and one biological born woman committed in a lifelong monogamous rela­tionship provides a child with the most sta­ble and healthy home life. Likewise, many studies have shown that children who are brought up in the “lifestyle” that was being promoted and celebrated at the Pride Event are in an unsafe and unhealthy environment.

I have no animosity whatsoever towards this group of people, on the contrary, my desire is that they might be saved through the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

Joshua Larson,
Two Harbors, MN


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