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Two Harbors Basketball: Stepping Forward Despite Setbacks

“It started out fine with the first game,” said Bill Anderson, head coach of the Ag­ates boys basketball team. Since that time, injuries have slowed the team down a bit, but their coach knows that his team is capa­ble of great things this season.

After a dominant 29-point victory over Chisholm on Novem­ber 29th, the team’s momentum was inter­rupted when one of their key starters was injured during prac­tice. Jace Ruberg has been sidelined ever since, joining Jason Tate who is also re­covering from an in­jury.

Following their Chi­solm game, the team lost their next four games against Dulu­th Marshall, Mesabi East, Deer River, and Moose Lake-Willow River. “We got ham­mered pretty good,” the coach said, speak­ing to the matchup against Deer River. “We were in it for a half and then it kind of went away from us.”

Despite the chal­lenges, Anderson has faith that the team will have plenty of time to get their game back on track. “It’s a long sea­son. You always get injuries but hopeful­ly you don’t get them all at once,” he said. “The kids are work­ing hard and getting after it. Younger guys are stepping up, as I would expect them to.”

The team steps up in many ways, includ­ing helping around the community. One recent example in­cludes six team mem­bers helping out at the 6th grade boys bas­ketball tournament. They’ve also been known to help citizens move and volunteer for the American Le­gion, joining other area teams for a good cause. “They’re a good group of kids, for sure,” said Anderson.

When I talked to the coach, it was Parents Night. Tradition calls for the student-athletes to write thank you let­ters to their parents or someone influential in their lives, an exercise they enjoy, and a spe­cial keepsake for their family.

There is a good num­ber in that group. Fif­ty-eight kids, from 7th-12th grades, play on the junior and varsity teams. Six team mem­bers hail from Silver Bay, including two se­nior players.

“They have good energy, they’re athlet­ic, we compete hard,” said the coach. “Those are the big things.”

The Agates’ first goal of the season, one they set their sights on ev­ery year, is to finish in the top half of the sec­tion and secure a first-round home game— an opportunity they narrowly missed last season. They ended up in 9th place out of 16 teams after losing in a double overtime game.

“Hopefully we right the ship here a little bit and get some mo­mentum back, which I think we certainly can do,” said Anderson. “We have to work on our execution better and get some shots up there. Right now, we’re scrambling to score, we’re strug­gling at shooting and taking care of the ball. But I expect that will get better as we gain more experience.”

He went on to say, “As we get healthier, hopefully we stay that way. I think we can compete, and I think we’ll be a hard team to play against because I know what we’re ca­pable of doing once we have our full arse­nal back.”

The team will have played North Woods by the time this pub­lication prints. An up­coming tournament in Ely at the end of December will pro­vide an additional op­portunity for the team to grow into the team that is, as the coach forecasts, hard to beat!

In other basketball news:

The Two Harbors girls basketball team recently secured a sig­nificant win against North Woods, dom­inating with a final score of 52-38. Junior varsity also picked up a victory that night. “The Agate girls worked very hard for their wins,” posted Coach Gavin Bopp. This triumph followed a loss to South Ridge earlier in the week, af­ter which they played Cherry.

Senior Rachel Bopp was recently recog­nized in another sport, named to the 2024 Duluth News Tribune All-Area Volleyball team. The newspaper praised Bopp for lead­ing a young squad, and she was also hon­ored back in October for reaching 1,000 digs in her high school volleyball career.

The Silver Bay girls basketball team played against Duluth Den­feld, with the results to be reported later due to publication dates. They are still seeking their first win, a strug­gle also faced by Cook County’s team. The two local teams faced off in Silver Bay, re­sults to be reported at a later time.

Since the last update on the Cook County boys basketball team, the Vikings won two more home games, defeating Carlton/ Wrenshall 78-56. However, they fell to Cromwell-Wright on an unlucky Friday the 13th.


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