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HomeCommunityOktoberfest weekend at Silver Bay Municipal Lounge

Oktoberfest weekend at Silver Bay Municipal Lounge

By Krista Starkovich

A good crowd of people turned out last Friday night, Septem­ber 20th, for Jim Hol­beck’s musical tal­ents at the Silver Bay Lounge. Folks thor­oughly enjoyed lis­tening and toe-tapping along to his music. One of the locals even joined in and started playing the spoons. It was a real hit!

On Saturday, Sep­tember 21st, Oktober­fest started off with the musical talents of Gavin LeBlanc and Friends. Everyone al­ways seems to enjoy Gavin’s group.

Who can hold their stein the longest?

Throughout the day and into the evening there were several ac­tivities patrons could participate in.

The Hammerschla­gen was a fun and challenging competi­tion. Hamerschlagen is a game in which participants compete against each other to drive nails into a wooden beam.

The stein holding contest left many contestants with sore arms and the bystand­ers with sore stomach muscles. The champi­ons of the stein holding contest were Shawn Giusto from Eagan, MN for the male con­test and Katie Foshay from Silver Bay, MN for the female con­test. The entire contest was full of laughs and very entertaining. The stein holders had to get very creative in or­der to hold their stein the longest, contort­ing themselves into all kinds of positions.

A wide variety of Oktoberfest beers were available for ev­eryone to try. The Ma­ple Märzen from Cas­tle Danger Brewery was a feature for the event. According to Castle Danger Brew­ery’s website, “Maple Märzen blends tradi­tional German malts and hops with local maple syrup. The re­sult is a rich and toasty malt flavor with a strong maple charac­ter.” There were also festive Oktoberfest headbands people could take to wear and other handouts from the brewery.

The amusing and comical Drunken Spelling Bee took place later in the eve­ning, with Natalie Nelson of Silver Bay taking 1st place.

A shout out to ev­eryone who participat­ed in the Oktoberfest events last weekend at the Silver Bay Lounge. That is what makes the events so much more fun, spe­cial and enjoyable for everyone. Over­all, there were lots of laughs and some great memories made over the weekend.


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