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HomeCommunitySilver Bay Outdoor Recreation Area Update – October 2024

Silver Bay Outdoor Recreation Area Update – October 2024

By Shane Hoff

Since my last update on the joint project between the City of Silver Bay and the Blue Line Club, there has been some slight plan changes and some good progress on Silver Bay’s Outdoor Recreation Area. Due to very high con­crete costs and a generous bid by Sinnott Blacktop, the decision was made to install blacktop on the outdoor rink surface instead of concrete. Even though blacktop will require some surface prepa­ration and repairs over time, it is far more economical than concrete and will still last a very long time. One addi­tional bonus is that it will provide a little more cushion for pickle­ball and other warm-weather activities.

Before the blacktop could be laid, the Silver Bay Pub­lic Works crew removed 3” of gravel from inside the rink walls and leveled and packed the surface. The gravel re­moved was then re-purposed to build and level the skat­ing-only area next to the rink. Shortly after, Sinnott came to town and laid 3” of blacktop on the outdoor rink. There had been plans to apply an acrylic paint to the surface this fall, but after a discus­sion with the experts we will follow their advice and wait until spring to allow the blacktop to fully cure. In the meantime, the outdoor rink and skating areas will still be flooded and available for use this winter (weather permit­ting).

There has also been some significant work done to build two separate picnic/firepit ar­eas. The City of Silver Bay Public Works and Park and Rec crews, as well as many dedicated volunteers, have helped clean up the area and are in the process of creating two nice spaces for gather­ings. The next step will be to place some picnic tables, fire­pits and garbage cans in these areas so people can utilize them for their fall and winter activities.

Next spring, we will be ap­plying two coats of the 100% Acrylic paint mix to the entire surface of the rink, as well as painting and installing lines for 4 pickleball courts on the far southern end with net­ting dividing them. The near, north end will be dedicated to rollerblading and hockey dry­land activities. The light-col­ored paint will protect the blacktop for years to come and will help keep ice on lon­ger in the spring when the sun is strongest.

Thank you to all the spon­sors and volunteers for your support and patience as we work toward the completion of this project. Also, special thanks to the City of Silver Bay Public Works and Park & Rec departments. Your ef­forts have been greatly appre­ciated!

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