The Lake County Housing and Redevelopment Authority is piloting a project home in Two Harbors on 4th Avenue. The house will be financed with funds from the Lake County Housing Trust Fund and will provide workforce housing for a single family. Ground was broken for the house last week and when construction is complete and the house is sold, proceeds from the sale will be returned to the Trust Fund to help finance the next project.

The Lake County HRA, City of Two Harbors, and Lake County Board have been collaborating to address the need for workforce housing in the greater Lake County area. The house under construction in Two Harbors is one of a number of projects that are under way to help meet those needs. In other housing news, another unit at the Lakeview apartments has been remodeled, and a family will be moved into it by the time this hits the press. An additional unit is up next for remodeling at Lakeview and will be made ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) compliant.
The Silverpoint II project in Silver Bay unfortunately did not receive the grant funding that the LCHRA Board had hoped. Though the project scored high in the application process, it was not one of the projects that was awarded funding this time around. The Board will resubmit the grant application in the Spring.
Other projects that are in the works for the Lake County HRA include redevelopment of parts of 2nd Avenue in Two Harbors and exploring the use of tax forfeited land for the development of multi-family housing units. Stay tuned for updates on work that is being done to meet housing needs in Lake County.