Making athletics available to all is a worthy goal, and the Lake Superior Lakers are holding their “Frost Fest” on Saturday, February 10th, to help make that goal a reality. The FrostFest will be held at 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and will be held at The Green Door in Beaver Bay. It is sponsored by Lovin’ Lake County.
The Frost Fest is intended to raise funds and awareness for the Special Olympics Minnesota team Lake Superior Lakers. Outdoor games, including a hot potato toss and sled pull, will be held, and fire pits and a heated tent will provide a warmer spot to visit. There will also be live music, provided by Townsquare Media DJ during the day, and 8 Months Winter at night. This is the Lakers first year holding this sort of event, but they plan to make the Frost Fest an annual tradition.
All funds raised will stay in the area for things such as athletic gear, meals for competition, and athletic enrichment. While the Lakers currently only offer bowling, they hope to soon find coaches to begin a track and field team.
Here’s to the Lake Superior Lakers – wishing them a fun event and much success in their athletic endeavors!