Tom Koehler, representative of the Edna G Commission went before the Two Harbors City Council on Monday night to express concern over the lack of forward movement in getting the historic tug moved onto land from its berth in the harbor. The Friends of the Edna G are working to raise money for asbestos abatement and other restorative work for the tug, but they need to hear from the Council on costs and time frames for hauling the tug out of the water. Koehler briefly shared some ideas for where the tug could be placed to make it more visible to tourists. He also had some ideas on how the tug could be displayed to the public. No action was expected or taken at Monday’s meeting, but the Council is considering next steps for the Edna G.
The City of Two Harbors is in the process of seeking grant funding for the proposed airport terminal building. At Monday night’s Council meeting, two resolutions were brought forward regarding accepting an agreement to have Santec, out of Duluth, contract for the design of the new terminal. Santec will also submit an estimate for building the terminal. Both resolutions were passed.
In other new business, the Council acknowledged that the Two Harbors Housing and Redevelopment Authority’s (HRA) primary focus will continue to be the management and maintenance of Bayview Terrace. The Two Harbors HRA will adopt other roles related to housing, planning and development within the city under the direction of the City Council and City Administration. The Council also authorized a collaborative effort with Lake County Soil and Water to submit a project worksheet to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Initiative for Resilient Great Lakes Coasts, for consideration of engineering and design support for the Agate Bay Waterfront.
Steve Hedin and Mitch Ekstrom will each be retiring from the Public Works and Water Departments, respectively. The Council expressed appreciation to both for their service to the community and wished them well in their retirements. Jon Glass has been appointed to the Edna G Commission on the recommendation from other commission members.
The Burlington Bay Campground opens on May 10th and there is a need for summer staff there. Thomas the Train is returning to Two Harbors again this summer and 12,000 tickets are expected to be sold for the event.
Finally, the Council has decided to move the start time for City Council meetings from 6:00 to 5:30. The Committee of the Whole meetings will continue to be held at 5:00, prior to the start of Council meetings.
The next council meeting will be held on May 6th at 5:30.