Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeBusinessFrom the desk of Representative Natalie Zeleznikar

From the desk of Representative Natalie Zeleznikar

Dear Northlanders,

I attended a meeting with FEMA (Federal Emergency Manage­ment Agency), along with state agencies, and elected represen­tatives on August 9, 2024 to review fund­ing opportunities for individuals and busi­nesses affected by the recent flood.

The devastation af­fected 61 counties out of 87 counties in our state. There are four ways to connect with FEMA:

  • Online at www.disasterassistance.gov
  • Through the FEMA app, residents must download the FEMA APP
  • By calling 800- 621-3362
  • In person at a disaster recovery center. Currently the sites will be in Virginia, Waterville, and Mankato and mobile sites will be set up too.

Lake County was declared one of the counties in the disas­ter, and business and individual assistance is available. In addi­tion, Small Business Administration (SBA) is offering loans with no interest in first year and interest rates are 2.688% for homeown­ers and renters, 3.25% for non-profits, and 4% for small businesses.

What type of loans are available? Physical Disaster Loans to re­pair or replace disaster damaged property to include real estate for homes and business­es, personal proper­ty, vehicles, land im­provements, business contents and leasehold improvements.

Economic Injury Di­saster Loans are work­ing capitol loans to help small businesses, and nonprofit organizations with operat­ing expenses such as fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills.

Public assistance addresses repairs to community and state infrastructure or Trib­al government infrastructure and Individ­ual assistance provides help to individual, and households affected by a major disaster. Lake County residents and businesses affected are eligible for both.

There will be Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams out and about in Lake County to help impacted residents register for assistance as well. There are flooding resources available at:


The losses for many were devastating, and hopefully this will help many in our area and the state. A special thank you to all who volunteered to help neighbors during the flooding of Sullivan Lake and other areas. When devastation occurs, the love of community shows up with a wonderful downpouring of love.

In Service,
Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar, State Representative for 3B


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