The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS, pronounced KO-ko-rozz) is a grassroots volunteer network of more than 20,000 backyard weather observers in all 50 states who measure and map precipitation in their local communities.
The Minnesota DNR State Climatology Office, which relies partly on data collected by regular people across the state, is seeking additional volunteers to monitor rainfall for the CoCoRaHS Network this month.
Volunteers use a low-cost, 4-inch-diameter rain gauge to measure precipitation in their backyards. They then use an interactive website to provide high-quality data for natural resources, education, and research applications. The main requirements for the volunteers are an interest in watching and reporting weather conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather affects and impacts our lives.
The data from backyard rain gauges are a critical source of information for the DNR. Your contribution is invaluable, and it’s beneficial to add more volunteer weather observers each year, even in areas that already have volunteers.
“Rainfall and snowfall amounts can vary widely over a short distance, so a variety of reports is helpful in the same community or area,” State Climatologist Luigi Romolo said. “Some areas in greater Minnesota have very few reporting stations. The more we have across the state, the better information we all have.”
Volunteers are particularly needed outside the metro areas. They will receive training on observing weather trends and submitting their precipitation and weather event reports. All training material is available online.
“Over time, as more volunteer reports make our precipitation maps more accurate, these observations provide critical guidance on Minnesota’s changing climate,” Romolo said. “This is also a great educational activity for families with kids and a rewarding hobby for anyone interested in weather or climate.”
For the past five years, Minnesota has won the “CoCoRaHS Cup” for recruiting the most new volunteers of any state during the March national recruiting drive.
“Year after year, Minnesotans are the best in the nation at stepping up and joining this important effort. Let’s keep the cup in Minnesota as we continue to improve our state’s precipitation recording,” Romolo said.
To sign up as a volunteer or for more information, go to the CoCoRaHS website ( or email Luigi Romolo (