Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeCommunitySpirituality and the Arts at First Congregational Church

Spirituality and the Arts at First Congregational Church

“Art is the path to being spiri­tual.” – Piet Mondrian

First Congregational, UCC, will be hosting a Lenten jour­ney to explore Spirituality and the Arts in March and April on Wednesday evenings.

They will have a different group of artists from the com­munity: musicians (March 12), writers (March 26), and visual artists April (9) to share and ex­plore how art is tied to spiritual­ity and how spirituality is con­nected to art. On each of these evenings all are invited for a soup-and-sandwich supper at 5:30 pm followed by a panel discussion from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. Rev. Enno K. Limvere will serve as the moderator.

Musicians and writers will share something of their own making or a piece that speaks to them. Visual artists will be displaying a piece of art in the sanctuary during Lenten sea­son (March 5th – April 20th).

Each evening of panel discus­sions will also be live streamed on Zoom for those who want to join but can’t be there in per­son.

Ash Wednesday Service will be held on March 5th, March 19th, and April 2nd. They will have a community sing-along for anyone who wishes to join, starting at 6:00 pm with no meal.

For more information on these events, please visit their website: www.grandmaraisucc.org  

First Congregational United Church of Christ is located at 300 West 2nd Street, Grand Marais, MN 55604. Phone: 218-387-2113. Email: pastorgmucc@boreal.org


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