“Art is the path to being spiritual.” – Piet Mondrian
First Congregational, UCC, will be hosting a Lenten journey to explore Spirituality and the Arts in March and April on Wednesday evenings.
They will have a different group of artists from the community: musicians (March 12), writers (March 26), and visual artists April (9) to share and explore how art is tied to spirituality and how spirituality is connected to art. On each of these evenings all are invited for a soup-and-sandwich supper at 5:30 pm followed by a panel discussion from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. Rev. Enno K. Limvere will serve as the moderator.
Musicians and writers will share something of their own making or a piece that speaks to them. Visual artists will be displaying a piece of art in the sanctuary during Lenten season (March 5th – April 20th).
Each evening of panel discussions will also be live streamed on Zoom for those who want to join but can’t be there in person.
Ash Wednesday Service will be held on March 5th, March 19th, and April 2nd. They will have a community sing-along for anyone who wishes to join, starting at 6:00 pm with no meal.
For more information on these events, please visit their website: www.grandmaraisucc.org
First Congregational United Church of Christ is located at 300 West 2nd Street, Grand Marais, MN 55604. Phone: 218-387-2113. Email: pastorgmucc@boreal.org