Friday, October 18, 2024


Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regular­ly scheduled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Chair Rich Sve. Chair Sve led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by unanimous yea vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Ser­vice Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: District 1 Commissioner Joe Baltich, Dis­trict 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Ho­genson, District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd, and District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. Board member Absent: Commis­sioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont. Also present: County Administrator Matthew Huddleston, County Auditor Linda Libal, Chief Deputy Auditor Ronni Radle, Land Commissioner Nate Eide, Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan. Emergency Management Director Matt Pollmann connected virtually through Mi­crosoft Teams.

MOTION HURD, SECOND BALTICH: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Absent: Goutermont

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. No public comments were made.

Lake County Veterans Services Officer (CVSO) Brad Anderson provided an An­nual Update for the Lake County Veterans Services Office. CVSO Anderson reviewed a new mission statement, discussed Veter­an definitions, and provided an overview of office essentials including communication, collaboration, continuous improvement, and customer service. CVSO Anderson’s presentation included review of the office move from the lower level to the main level of the Lake County Service Center and that one year has passed since the position of Assistant Veterans Services Officer (AVSO) was filled by AVSO Melis­sa Crandall. Other topics included client engagement, document scanning project completion, homelessness and mental health, transportation, weekly newspaper articles in the Lake County Press and Northshore Journal, and technology used by the Veterans Services Office. CVSO also reviewed benefits data.

U.S. Forest Service updates were provid­ed by Forest Supervisor Tom Hall on many topics. Main categories of discussion included emergency response, integrat­ed vegetation management, Boundary Waters Canoe Area collaborative with stakeholders, and staffing and customer service. Mr. Hall discussed that it has been 30 years since the management plan was created for the wilderness (BWCAW). Lake County Emergency Management Director Matt Pollmann inquired about public en­gagement regarding prescribed burns. Other topics included the Wood Lake Fire, Fry Fire, Search & Rescue, Fernberg Cor­ridor Project, risk reduction, Moose Habitat restoration, Tofte landscape project, pre­scribed burning, school trust acquisition, Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and the Thye-Blatnik appraisal cycle. Regarding flooding in the Forest, the repair and res­toration following the June 18 storm dam­ages, Forest Supervisor Hall clarified that 50 roads were impacted and 14 of those roads currently are closed.

County Administrator Matthew Huddleston provided an update on several items of county business. County Auditor Linda Libal, Land Commissioner Nate Eide, and Emergency Management Director Matt Pollmann were present for any questions on their respective requests for board action. Chief Deputy Auditor Ronni Radle provided a clarification on absentee voting ballots received by mail.

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda as pre­sented:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of Sep­tember 10, 2024.

2. Approve Health and Human Ser­vices claims payments in the fol­lowing amounts:

a. Region III Payments $ 49,509.24

b. AHA Special Payments $ 3,235.95

3. Approve purchase of RTVision Time Basic electronic time sheet software in the amount of $40/ Employee/Year. Estimate 133 em­ployees = $9,820 for year 1 (one) and $5,320 for years 2 (two) and 3 (three), with limited price increase as per the quote.

4. Authorize County Auditor or her designee to sign Contract/Agree­ment with RTVision.

5. Accept bid proposal for Sonju Are­na dated 8/8/2024 and bid proposal for Rukavina Arena dated 8/8/2024 from Holden Electric Co, Inc (low bidder). Furthermore, authorize payment to Holden Electric Co, Inc in the amount of $23,980.00 for the Sonju Arena project and in the amount of $24,730.00 for the Rukavina project.

6. Authorize payment of $13,736.57 to ELI Yachts (Invoice # 10492) for repairs done to the Boston Whaler stationed at the Two Harbors Res­cue Squad building. These repairs were unplanned and left the boat unusable. Funds from the Sheriff’s Office Boat and Water Grant will be used to help defer some of the costs for the repair.

7. Authorize the yearly payment to Everbridge, Inc. in the amount of $5,665.00 for the Public Notification System (Quote# Q-194188).

8. Authorize the Environmental Ser­vices Department to sell by auction the following surplus equipment:

1. 2000 LBS Lift Capacity 60” Dump Height Container Dumper

2. Model 600 Style A/B 16’ long by 48” Wide Slider Belt Conveyor

9. Adopt findings and conditions by the Planning Commission for In­terim Use Application I-24-026r, submitted by Jared McGriff at 6803 Salveson Road, Finland MN 55603.

10. Adopt findings and conditions by the Planning Commission for Inter­im Use Application I-24-027r, sub­mitted by Derk & Barbara Gibson (Agent: April Schultz) at 1806 Hwy 12, Two Harbors MN 55616.

11. Adopt findings and conditions by the Planning Commission for In­terim Use Application I-24-028i, submitted by Gabriel & Kelly Sweet at 758 Whippoorwill Lane, Two Har­bors MN 55616

12. Approve and authorize $5,000 from Title III funding to be paid to Par­amount Planning for the update of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).

13. Approve and award the bid price listed below for Wildfire Fuel Re­duction (Stevens) Grant projects to reduce hazardous balsam fir un­derstory and blow down on private lands in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas adjacent to USFS proj­ects. Contract will be paid by Lake County and reimbursed by the fed­eral Wildfire Fuel Reduction Grant.

Acres Project Group Name

18.1 Ojibway Lake Fuels Reduction

Total Value Awarded to

$26,300 Full Sun Outdoor Services


14. Assign Alger Grade OHM and London Crossing OHM trail main­tenance to the Arrowhead Enduro Club and to act as the Sponsor for the purposes of the MN Grant in Aid program for a period of 5 years from the date of the resolution.

15. Authorize contract acceptance and payment not to exceed the amount of $137,902.74 to SHI Corp. (Quote: 25048807 dated 07/05/2024).

16. Approve Lodging Tax disbursement to Lovin Lake County in the amount of $484,663.52. Absent: Gouter­mont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 03 – Adopt the preliminary 2025 Net Prop­erty Tax Levy of $12,709,210. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 04 – Adopt the preliminary 2025 Net Prop­erty Tax Levy for Unorganized Territory No. 1 in the amount of $32,000. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 05 – Adopt the preliminary 2025 Net Property Tax Levy for Unorganized Territory No. 2 in the amount of $410,589 (Revenue Fund in the amount of $100,589 and Road and Bridge Fund in the amount of $310,000). Absent: Goutermont

MOTION BALTICH, SECOND HURD: 06 – Adopt the preliminary 2025 Net Property Tax Levy for the Lake County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (LCHRA) in the amount of $594,372. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 07 – Approve the change in employee status of Jennel Cook, Admin­istrative Assistant, due to completion of probation period effective September 27, 2024. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 08 – Approve an extended Parental Leave of Absence without pay for LaReesa San­dretsky, Community Health Educator, ef­fective October 7, 2024, through October 31, 2024. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION BALTICH, SECOND HURD: 09 – Approve a General Leave of Absence without pay for Andrew Fellows, Appraiser, effective September 30, 2024, through Oc­tober 4, 2024. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 10 – Adjourn Board meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners at 3:50 p.m. Absent: Goutermont

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings to be held in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

• Agenda meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024

• Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Laurel D. Buchanan

Clerk of the Board

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Lake County Board of Commissioners  

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