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HomeCommunitySilver Bay’s Largest Class Ever Celebrates its 50 Year Reunion

Silver Bay’s Largest Class Ever Celebrates its 50 Year Reunion

by Krista Starkovich

William M. Kelley High School’s class of 1974 had almost 200 students. There were around 140 students that attended the 50th reunion this past week­end during Bay Days. The group was de­lighted to also have 26 of their former teach­ers attend the reunion. A very special trib­ute by David Hanson and Laura Chevalier (Wotring) was a high­light of the event to acknowledge the for­mer teachers for their years of service and dedication. The teach­ers were honored and received certificates. The Class of 1974 said, “Today we honor our teachers/staff, all of you who have, in one way or another, played a part in the shaping of who we are. A teacher is more than an educa­tor. A teacher can play all roles – the roles of a friend, counselor or mentor. A teacher can be the guiding force in our lives even after we pass through the portals of our school and step into the world that lies ahead to be conquered.” They also gave a very moving tribute to the students whom they had lost over the years, which was performed by Da­vid Wahlberg.

During the reunion the group had several meals together, shared stories, laughter, and tears. Throughout the weekend they made a diligent effort to sup­port the various local businesses. That was important to them be­cause they know the struggles of a small community and what it takes to keep it going.

On Friday, reunion attendees participated in the Bay Days pa­rade, allo together on a float they had deco­rated using their Mari­ner spirit with the help from Susie and Vern Hoff, loaning them their flatbed. They also enjoyed a wonderful picnic by Lake Supe­rior, thanks to Jeanne and Roger Kregler. Jill Hansen made a beau­tiful Mariner’s Quilt for a raffle which was won by Sere Church. The classmates and teachers all ate dinner together after the trib­utes at the UP Church, which was catered by Chris O’Brien. Sandy Maxwell donated the flowers to decorate for the reunion. Dale Johnson shared his beautiful compilation photos of Lax Lake with everyone. There were many more ac­tivities and items not mentioned that took place over the span of the reunion. Just like when they were in school, they did every­thing with grandeur.

The Class of 1974 had many achieve­ments when attneding school at William M. Kelley High School. The football and hock­ey teams both were Seaway Champs. In 1974 the basketball team were the District 26 Champions. Willa Lavamaki (Brottland) took third place in the District Competition for Springboard Div­ing. The Girls Basket­ball Team was unde­feated. Mark Roberts won a Acappella State Championship for choir. The Mariner golf team was ranked Co-Champions after a successful season. These are just some of the many highlighted accomplishments of the class of ‘74. They were in band, theater, curling, cross coun­try, and a ski team. They had a swim team, cheerleading, choir and so many more ac­tivities they were in­volved in.

They created an un­breakable bond while in school together, which continued for the next 50 years. They may not have seen or heard from each other over the years, but for them, when they get together, the memo­ries flood back. The time together is price­less. Because they are back home with their friends, their families, they can be young again for just a minute. This close friendships expand 5 decades, yet everyone looks young because they will for­ever be 18 in each oth­er’s eyes. That’s how they see each other. They were family, they are family. The teach­ers were family and are family. And they will be forever.

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