Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeLifestyleEntertainmentThe Big Wu Coming to a Silver Bay Stage Near You!

The Big Wu Coming to a Silver Bay Stage Near You!

The long-awaited Silver Bay Music in the Park season open­er is closer than right around the corner. The series, which will run every Friday night un­til September 6th, will start off with The Big Wu on July 19th. If you do the math, that’s eight free live outdoor concerts that will rock out in downtown Sil­ver Bay throughout the summer.

“We are thrilled that The Big Wu will be kicking off our con­cert season this year. The Big Wu will bring their energetic per­formance to the City Center stage and will also feature Nashville actress and musician Caitlin Nicol-Thom­as as an opening act.” said Rocky Wall Pro­ductions President Nel­son French, in a Rocky Wall Productions press release.

With Caitlin open­ing, the show will be­gin a bit earlier than the other concerts, so be sure to be there by 7 PM at the very lat­est. It’s encouraged to come early, find a good spot, park your lawn chair, and maybe grab up some grub at Emma’s Kitchen and the Rainy Rose Food Trailer.

The Big Wu is a jam band, and, according to Nelson, “They have musical tones that will have you coming and going and essentially provide a nice ambi­ance for the evening.”

The band has some odd origins according to the press release, which states, “The sto­ry goes that the Big Wu, bound for rock stardom, sold their souls for a case of Old- Style beer one thirsty night long ago. The legend and the band live on. Still rocking their powerful, moving, and energizing original music for the fans. A jam band with a unique style and presence, the Wu combine strong, free flowing improv and vocal harmonies, with finely crafted songs for all tastes. Oh, and their fans are fa­mously friendly.”

“We’re very excited that they’re coming up, and they’re excited to be coming,” said Nel­son. “They are a band with a huge following and they will bring a lot of energy to the City Center Stage to open the season this year.”

So far, the weather looks like it’ll coop­erate and I’m typing that with my fingers crossed! However, if it rains, the concert will be moved indoors to the Reunion Hall at 97 Outer Drive.

Next up, on July 26th, the Twin Cit­ies band Trailer Trash will come to town to play traditional coun­try and a variety of American hit parade. Trailer Trash will also perform at a ticketed benefit house concert on Saturday the 27th. Tickets can be pur­chased at rockywall­productions.org.  Visit this site, as well, for more information on the bands, a full sched­ule, and more.


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