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HomeUncategorizedProtect Yourself from Fraud: Medicare Fraud Awareness and Scams Targeting Older Americans

Protect Yourself from Fraud: Medicare Fraud Awareness and Scams Targeting Older Americans

Free Online Class Offered Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024

The Senior Link­Age Line® will offer two classes covering health care fraud, waste & abuse pre­vention on Wednes­day, November 13, 2024, from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. and from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

Attendees will learn how to detect and report potential errors, fraud, and abuse; review poten­tial fraud and scams targeting older adults, learn how to read their Medicare paperwork, learn how to protect their Medicare beneficia­ry number, and how to protect/detect/re­port Medicare scams and fraud. This pre­sentation includes information from the Senior Medicare Pa­trol, a federal educa­tion and prevention program.

We are authorized to offer 1.5 Continu­ing Education Units (CEUs) for your par­ticipation. Be sure to ask about this if you need the CEUs.

This class is of­fered online using the Microsoft Teams meeting platform. You must pre-regis­ter by going to: www.arrowheadaging.org/classes-work­shops-trainings  or by calling the Se­nior LinkAge Line at 800.333.2433.

We are commit­ted to accessibility. If you have an ac­commodation re­quest that will allow you to participate in the class more ful­ly, please contact Dianne as dkiser@ardc.org  by Novem­ber 8, 2024.

The Senior Link­Age Line is a free, statewide service of the Minnesota Board on Aging in partner­ship with Minneso­ta’s area agencies on aging. The Senior LinkAge Line helps older Minnesotans and caregivers find answers and connect to the services and support they need.

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