Friday, October 25, 2024


Dear Editor,

It’s unfortunate that some people believe that their free speech rights are more important than others. Over the course of the summer and fall, MANY Democratic political signs have been stolen or vandalized. While more prevalent in the township areas of Lake County, this shameful phenomenon has now moved into its municipalities. In the last week, signs in Two Harbors have been stolen or intentionally damaged. These acts are not only uncivil, they are illegal. Stealing or tam­pering with political signs on private proper­ty is a violation of trespass and theft statutes. Your readers may want to consider what this says about the perpetrators and those they are trying to aid through these cowardly and ille­gal actions.

Bonnie Peterson
Co-chair Lake County DFL

People ask me why they should vote for Na­talie Zeleznikar. Fair question. I’ll give you a fair answer.

Back in 2022, Natalie filed against long-time Representative Mary Murphy. Rep. Mur­phy did some great things for her district. I voted for her many times prior to 2022. That said, I approached the Zeleznikar campaign, as well as Natalie herself, and asked some very pointed questions. I was amazed at the answers. They were straight-forward without any political rhetoric whatsoever. I decided she deserved my vote but I would be keeping a close eye on how she did should she win. Indeed, she did win, albeit, by the slenderest of margin.

Not only has Natalie voted for issues, regard­less of party affiliation, that were important to me. She also explained why she voted the way she did. She also keeps her constituency informed on what is going on in the House of Representatives. It’s been an uphill battle for Natalie with the opposing party having the majority in both chambers and the Gov­ernor’s office, but she has kept battling for us, Northern Minnesotans outside the City of Duluth. She is hardworking, conscientious Representative who truly cares about us.

As a retired Law Enforcement Officer and having served on the City Council in Two Har­bors for 8 years, I believe Natalie Zeleznikar deserves another term as our Representative.

It’s rare these days to have a representative that truly cares about their constituency. Na­talie Zelenikar is that person.

Please join me on November 5th and vote for Natalie Zelenikar.

Jerry Norberg
Two Harbors

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