Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeEditorialLeave A Trace

Leave A Trace


By Larry Dean

I walk, usually alone.

Often pondering the imponderables.

The truth is: Sometimes I get stuck in the paralysis of self-analysis.

So, I walk. “Walking is good for mental health”, they say.

The rhythm is supposed to cleanse your mind of negativity.

Frequently, the walk is slow, looking at the harbor, the mesmerizing water, tourists skipping rocks.

Extrovert that I am, I often smile, looking for eye contact with those passing by.

When I pass friends there is often quick chit chat, “Hi, how are you?” “Fine.” “Glad to see your getting your steps in.”

Sometimes I want to pause with those I know. But the goal is exercise, not conversation.

Almost home, after 2 miles. I pass old friends sitting on their porch. They are introverted folks.

I yell out, “Great night for sitting on the porch!” They respond, “Yes, it is!”

I keep walking even though I want to stop and drink from the well of our shared humanity.

Not taking the risk of inviting myself into their refuge, I keep my head down, and focus on home.

I often regret my timidity, not reaching out, not pausing to be the warm soul God created me to be.

Suddenly, I hear a shout as I am almost past them, “Would you like to share a cup of tea with us!”

I respond with a loud yes and veer quickly to their porch of grace.

We talk for over an hour, sharing our stories and even some burdens.

I chose not to worry about “overstaying” as I drink from the cup of fellowship.

In the give and take, renewal and mutual grace is given to thirsty souls. The way life it is supposed to be!

When I get home Elaine says with a smile, “Who did you run into today?” She knows they are divine appointments.

In our lonely world, sometimes the best type of “exercise” includes pausing to enjoy others!


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