Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeCommunityKTWH Cabin Fever Reliever

KTWH Cabin Fever Reliever

Two Harbors Community Radio (KTWH-LP) is thrilled to pres­ent our 9th in-person Cabin Fever Reliever at the Two Harbors High School on Sunday, March 30. A very special addition to our benefit performance for KTWH this year is the Health & Wellness Expo in the Great Hall from 1-3 pm. Cabin Fe­ver 2025 is a celebration of regional musical talent, North Shore culture, and community radio. Families will enjoy the Cabin Fever Reliever Va­riety Show in the auditorium from 3-5 pm.

Advance tickets, $15 each and $35 Family, are on sale now at KTWH. org – click the Pre-sale Tickets but­ton on the homepage, ktwh.org and in-person at the KTWH studios. Tickets are $18 at the door, day of the event. The doors open at 1 pm for the Expo and free treats will be available to all before the show.

We’ll welcome Kaylee Matuszak as the Master of Ceremonies. Kaylee is a singer-songwriter born, raised and always causing a scene in Duluth. Her long-awaited sec­ond album, “Leading Lady” was released in June. Like a guy named Bob, Kaylee went electric last year and has not looked back or stopped stomping her pedals since.

A neo-traditional refined soul lives within Jon Edwards, a young emerging Duluth blues musician. When he learned how physically and financially cumbersome the drums that he fell for at an early age are, Jon made the wise move to guitar and gravitated to the 12-string and resonator. Influences like Lead Belly, Dave Van Ronk, John Prine, Spider John Koerner and Jon’s friend and mentor, Char­lie Parr have in large part shaped Jon’s style and songwriting as well as his own experiences and lifelong love of story writing.

Jon is a recent graduate of Har­bor City International School and he fell in love with their old time music and dance class. It further opened up and immersed him into the styles, histories and cultures of the traditional blues sounds that have captivated Jon as a musical artist.

Iron Range Safety Hazard Steve Solkela, Kaylee Matuszak and un­related Twin Ports Music Icons Pete & Joe Anderson join forces to battle boredom as the Berzerk Blawndz! Clever hooligans dead set on bring­ing Midwestern Mayhem & Music to your eardrums! Clever hooligans drenched in Minnesota Magic.

Buckle Up Two Harbors!!!

The Fish Heads are Mike and Kim Monson and Paul Jones. These folks will sweep you away with bluegrass, classic rock and origi­nal tunes that will make you wan­na dance. Long standing members of the MN Bluegrass and Old time Music scene, the Fish Heads aren’t afraid to do whatever they feel the need for when they spin out their version of a well known song. Your toes will be tapping.

The Hot Tamale Cosmos is a group of artists from the Northland who have all had their own projects and successes and have come to­gether over common love of song and harmonies. These women have performed in such groups as, and not limited to: Danny Frank and the Smoky Gold, Boss Mama and the Jebberhooch, Ross Thorn Band, Junkyard Mule, Feeding Leroy and the Morris Park Singers, just to name a few. They are a new project and will be sharing original tunes as well as covers by artists such as Iris Dement, Bob Dylan and Gil­lian Welch. The Cosmos are Erin Aldridge, Colleen “Boss Mama” Myhre, Jocelyn Mickelsen, Jen Krussow and Sonja Martin.

Join us for the 2025 KTWH Health & Wellness Expo

Come early and enjoy this expo style event that will pique curiosi­ty and offer opportunities to learn about various health topics, preven­tive measures, and healthy lifestyle choices. There are of course many different specific approaches to maintaining good health and well being and a variety of specific top­ics like mental health, physical fit­ness, healthy diet plans, aging well, healthy kids, hobbies that improve and help maintain good health and things that create and maintain healthy communities like public health programs.

Expo participants will be on hand with informational material, perhaps a demonstration of some type and they’ll be prepared to in­teract, have conversations and an­swer questions in order to provide valuable information to interested people.

Two Harbors Community Radio is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organiza­tion that operates KTWH-LP, Ra­dio With a Lake View, a low power FM community radio service on the north shore which has broadcast over 100 hours per week of diverse music and community news and in­formation since 2015 at 99.5 FM- – also streaming online at ktwh. org. KTWH is volunteer driven, listener and community support­ed radio . Follow us on Facebook: Two Harbors Community Radio. Learn more online at ktwh.org. Cabin Fever advance tickets may be purchased and donations to sup­port KTWH may be made from the homepage.

KTWH is grateful to area busi­nesses and organizations that sponsor our event.

The 2025 Cabin Fever Reliev­er Radio Variety Show has been generously supported by funding and assistance from Lovin’ Lake County. We thank all our gener­ous sponsors: Thrivent Financial, Cooperative Light and Power, An­derson’s Greenhouse, Judy’s Cafe, Two Harbors Federal Credit Union. North Shore Federal Credit Union, Northshore Journal, Lake County Press, and Two Harbors Media.


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