Saturday, February 22, 2025


The rumor mill is running rampant in our com­fortable little town. I don’t like it. Maybe we should all try to practice a little less criticism, a little less hate, and a lot more love. We might not always agree with everything that goes on but try pleasing a population of around 2,000. I know that there are committee members that spend a lot of time on all sorts of things.

James 1:11 Don’t criticize and speak evil
James 5:9 Are you above criticism??

Ruth Koepke
Silver Bay

Twenty-eight years ago, our son Paul was car­jacked in Duluth, and then brutally beaten and murdered outside of Duluth by several men with long rap sheets. Under one party rule, Democrats chose to give violent criminals more rights than families and victims of vio­lent crime. Democrats voted to allow criminals like those who murdered our son to be released from jail before fulfilling their complete sen­tence. Democrats also voted to allow felons re­leased from jail on probation before complet­ing their entire sentence the right to vote.

As lifelong teachers and parents, we are ap­palled at this blatant disregard for personal responsibility, and accountability for full con­sequences for one’s violent behavior. Commu­nities thrive when rights AND responsibilities both exist. When responsibility is removed and only rights exist for violent criminals’ chaos follows. Never should rights for violent crim­inals supersede protecting victims and public safety.

The reality is our son, Paul, will never vote. The reality is policies like the above mentioned will result in unimaginable pain for more vic­tims and their families. Both Mary and I have endured the unimaginable, of losing our son while simultaneously watching repeat violent criminals being treated with kid gloves.

This is absolutely ridiculous and must stop. Our communities deserve better than this. As an avid fisherman, catch and release works great for fish- but not repeat violent criminals. We are voting for Natalie Zeleznikar, because she will not lower sentences for violent mur­derers. Natalie will put your safety, and your children’s safety before sweetheart deals for murderers.


Larry and Mary Antonich
Two Harbors

 I live on Swanson Road. Family residence has been here for 80 years.

This past Spring/Summer the Lake County Highway Dept. has fixed, refinished, the Lar­smont Road with a new angle of entry/exist for us who live on Swanson Road and Whippoor­will Lane. Our mailboxes, located on Swan­son Road had to be temporarily moved so the construction work could be done. They were moved so they were on the Swanson Road. We all (about 15 households) have been ad­versely affected by the Two Harbors Postmas­ter, Victoria, unilaterally deciding to move our mailboxes from Swanson Road (UT14) onto the newly resurfaced Larsmont Road with a blind curve and a speed of 30-50 miles per hour.

The new location forces us to either cross into oncoming traffic, or find our own way to turn around and pull up to the newly located boxes. We could also park our cars at the mailbox lo­cation and walk across two lanes of Larsmont Rd, also dangerous, blind curve, remember! It is nice weather now, but when it snows, gets icy, slippery it will not be a safe situation. It is not safe for the Postal Carrier, they could be rear-ended!!! The County Commissioner and Engineers agree and are willing and able to put the boxes at our driveways on Swanson Rd and Whippoorwill Lane, however, the County says that the decision is in the hands of the Two Harbors Postmaster, Victoria.

The Postmaster told the County and us after repeated requests that her decision is final and follows a “national trend to not add any new route.” Many of our residents are retirees and have physical disabilities that make this even more a hazard. We do have young children on Swanson Road, it puts them at risk if they and anyone walks to get their mail. The mail has to be delivered up to the top of Whippoorwill Lane now due to disability concerns.

Ironically, Victoria, is the person who had our boxes moved from their historic location of over 50 years on Swanson Road to the Lar­smont Road.

We cannot believe how adamant Victoria is about this. THE LOCATION ON LARSMONT ROAD IS NOT SAFE! Please work with us. I have lived here all my life through all weather conditions, it is not safe!!!!!

Marlys Wisch
Two Harbors, MN (Larsmont)


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