Dear Editor:
The coup is underway.
The convicted felon suggested suspending the United States Constitution (12/3/22) and be a dictator (12/5/23). His onslaught of executive orders possibly eviscerating government jobs & social safety programs is the set up for permanently extending the expiring tax cut with a projected revenue loss of $4 trillion dollars.
The criminal will probably play the bogus “national security” card, using military to quash citizen protests & bogus “election fraud” charges delaying or denying the 2028 certification. Separation of powers; U.S. Constitution Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1; and the 14th Amendment, Section 3 be damned.
He just started a trade war, a gender war & appears to be double crossing our Ukraine support, in effect, handing the Russian bear a gift.
Where’s our U.S. Representative to speak face to face with us, answer all our concerns here on the Shore? Folks are walkin’ the line near Miller Creek waiting for his face-to-face.
We will have paid the U.S. Rep. over $1 million through 2025 to rep all of us, not just his one-trick pony, polluting copper mining agenda. He curiously said he’s not running for governor or higher office. Anyone notice the occupant’s copper mining executive order February 25? The “national security” card is in play.
Paul Deaner
Crystal Bay Township, Minnesota
Dear Editor:
The Republican’s most recent flavor of the month is fraud and waste. Having solved inflation and immigration, the Republicans seek to legitimize a billionaire’s bellyache. Republican’s true aim is not fraud and waste, but distraction and deception.
If the Republicans aim is fraud, they should look at the trillions of dollars stolen from the American people by the Reagan, Bush, and Trump Tax giveaways, which turned millionaires into billionaires, and billionaires into Oligarchs. Each tax giveaway was followed by greater inequality and recession.
Trickle down theory does not work!
Then why do Republicans keep pushing an economic plan that leads to greater inequality and recession? Because that is the outcome Republicans desire. The Greater Transfer of Wealth to the wealthy, and greater burdens and pain to the working people.
The only safeguard workers have against the abuse of power by billionaires is government. Republicans have insured that government of, by, and for the billionaires will not perish from America.
Thomas H. Glick
Two Harbors, MN