Thursday, March 27, 2025


Just Why? What do constituents mean in politics?

Constituents are cit­izens whom a legisla­tor has been elected to represent. Part of a legislator’s job in a democracy is to serve these constituents by representing their in­terests in the legisla­ture and by providing a direct link to gov­ernment.

The Minnesota House Dems are boy­cotting not only the state but all those that voted them in. Is this what they call democ­racy? I see the only threat to our democra­cy is democrats. Now I am not a dem or rep, as I wouldn’t trust either one of them to be able to turn a screwdriver to tighten a screw. As a person who WORKED for a living, I would have been fired for such be­havior. This behavior is unacceptable from those that are elect­ed to lead. I wouldn’t accept such behavior from a toddler. For all their crying, whining, manipulation, and ly­ing, have they learned NOTHING from the last election? It would seem they haven’t. ANY voter who vot­ed for these democrats should hang their head in disgust/shame with this kind of childish behavior/manipula­tion. From this alone democrats have lost many, who in the past, have voted democrat.

The party of ‘love and joy’, hates any­one or anything that doesn’t agree with their rhetoric and re­sorts to name-call­ing and untrue accu­sations. All for the almighty vote. As a Minnesotan I am disgusted, and tired of the crap they have been feeding their constituents.

All I can say is– Do your job and try to act like an adult in doing so.

Kurt Johnson
Silver Bay, MN


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