Friday, March 7, 2025


Trying to “steal” the election will backfire

Last week our Harris-Walz signs were sto­len, as well as those of 3 other neighbors. It’s unpatriotic and shows how desperate some Re­publican MAGA voters are who follow their 78-year-old leader who claims elections are “rigged” and “stolen”. Anyone who has to lie, cheat, “rig”, “steal”, is angry, revengeful and divisive is “unfit” for office. Trump gave 83% of his tax cut to the wealthy, elite 1% of Amer­icans, making the US national debt the high­est since World War II. He doesn’t care about average Americans. His chaotic presidency turned over 51 of his 65 top positions once and 16 twice. His former staff and over 100 former national security officials endorse Harris, as Trump is so unstable and “unfit” to serve.

I’m proud I’ve voted early for Harris-Walz, as her entire career has been supporting every­day Americans and working to lift them up fi­nancially and socially. Her policies will help everyone, especially the middle class, as she’s one of us, not the elite wealthy trying to “steal” or “buy” election. “Turn the page” on the cha­os and anger by voting for a woman who cares about your freedom and economic opportunity for all.

Natalie Bothwell
Two Harbors

In response to the letter of Bonnie Peterson,

I take issue with cowardly and illegal actions also. Espe­cially when illegals get our tax dollars over the citizens of this once great country. When the left cannot define a wom­an, yet, tell others to vote to put the first woman in office that clearly has no qualifications (or policies) to be such a figure to run a country. What other country in the mideast or eastern block nations would even respect such a person who has issues with reality. Don’t take this the wrong way, NO ONE. I favor no candidate in particular, yet, only one has an idea to save this nation in decline and to give the American people hope.

I do not want to have dinner with either candidate, but, I don’t have to be their friend or feel joy at the sight of seeing either one. In my opinion, (only my opinion), ALL politicians cannot be trusted. However, I gain some hope in an administration that will put the American citizen first over those that have not worked or paid taxes to deserve anything just because they came from over the border. To me, that is the epitome of treason. The politicians who are turning their backs on those that are citizens of this USA, are the real insurrectionists.

There are none so blind, as those that will not see. Open your eyes, think for yourself, do your research. Pull your heads from the media sand pit and look where this adminis­tration has brought us. It was not caused by the last admin­istration, it was caused by these last 3+ years. Build Back Better is a dumpster fire.

As for sign destruction, I have seen nothing of that nature from the conservative side. I have seen more from the left on that issue. And yes, I take issue with that on both sides.

Kurt Johnson, Silver Bay, MN

Letter to Editor

Vote for Mark Munger

State Representative Natalie Zeleznikar responded to the questions in the October 11 Lake County Press that she welcomes all constituents to reach out to her with their con­cerns. She also touts herself as “getting things done”

Yet when a small group of us constituents reached out to her and Senator Hauschild about a concern with speed lim­its on our narrow gravel roads, she did not even acknowl­edge that our e-mail had been received.

However, Senator Hauschild responded quickly and fol­lowed through with dedication.

Please cast your vote for Mark Munger, not Zeleznikar, in this election so Senator Hauschild will have someone to work with to get things done and constituents will be responded to.

Shary Zoff,
Alden Township




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