Sunday, September 8, 2024


To the editor-
I read with interest your Oct. 7, 2022 article, “What you need to know about Weatherization.” I’d just like to urge everyone, especially widows/retirees to consider looking into energy assistance through AEOA. I believe that the energy assistance program is very underutilized by widows/retirees. AEOA’s phone number is 218-735-6839.

Qualifications for energy assistance are measured in income of 3 month increments. However widows/retirees may find it easier to look at the issue in monthly increments, just to see if you qualify. For the 2022-2023 heating season, monthly income limits are;
$2547 per month for one person
$3331 per month for two people
$4115 per month for three people
$4899 per month for four people and so on.

I’m not sure many single widows/retirees have monthly incomes of $2527 per month. Many are probably quite a bit less.

If you’re not sure you could fill out the energy assistance application (it’s pretty straightforward) have a trusted relative or friend assist you. Spending a few hours applying for fuel assistance could get you a grant of around $300 to $1,400 per year. The grant is paid directly to the utility and is then deducted from your utility bill.

Energy assistance is also available to renters. Even if heat is included in your rent, you may still be able to get assistance for your electric bill.

Applicants may also qualify for emergency energy grants and housing weatherization.

Widows/retirees (and others) probably paid taxes their entire working lives. Energy assistance is a great way for qualifying individuals/families to get some of that tax money back, and keep your home a little warmer. You can get the application on line at AEOA.org or give AEOA a call (218-735-6839), get an application, and see if the energy assistance program could work for you!

Paul Iversen
Chair/Lake County Housing
Redevelopment Authority

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