Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeNewsTo Our Fellow Silver Bay Citizens

To Our Fellow Silver Bay Citizens

It has been my Honor and Privilege to be your Mayor for the past 4 years.

I believe in the First Amendment and people’s right to disagree. What I do not agree with is people writing Letters to the Editor, posting on social media with lies, half truths, and innuendos. When this happens, people form opinions using the wrong information. This causes anxiety and division within our townspeople and creates situations that spur animosity and causes roadblocks, making moving forward almost im-possible.

Council members and commission members have a high standard to uphold. On the same token, our constituents should be called out and held to the same standards if they accuse elected officials of lying or giving out misinformation without having the facts.

People serving on city council and commissions give an enormous amount of personal time and energy to keep our city moving forward. They have an obligation to accomplish this by following the “Silver Bay Comprehensive Plan” that was adopted in 2015. This plan is required in order to apply for Federal, State, and other types of funding. All cities must have a plan in place or risk losing or not even being able to apply for certain funding. This comprehensive plan was created by the residents of Silver Bay, over several months of hard work and multiple meetings. People that run for office and get appointed to commissions need to keep this in mind when making decisions and recommendations.

City meetings and hearings are open to the public, with very few exceptions such as labor negotiations, and I have encouraged people to attend. It is o.k. to disagree and ask questions. When the hard questions are asked, better decisions will be made. Constituents also have the responsibility to engage in the whole process of governing and changing ordinances, which takes months and sometimes years, not just attend the last meeting when the final votes are being taken. Our council and administration work extremely hard to make sure they are working with our businesses and schools to keep our town vibrant and healthy.

I grew up in Silver Bay and am proud to say, that is where I am from and where I reside.

Past councils and commissions have put their hearts and souls into trying to keep and continue making Silver Bay a great place to live and raise our families. Nothing would make me more proud than to see my grandchildren walk across the stage and pick up their diplomas at William Kelley School.

I have seen personal attacks on people and their families. I ask these people, “What have you done to make things better?” My parents taught us to work hard and give back to the community. My wife and I have tried to teach our children those same values. Just as most families in Silver Bay have done since 1955. I call that the ‘Silver Bay Way’.

I am extremely proud of our council and commissions and the accomplishments that have been made within our city in the past 4 years. Credit must also be given to prior city councils, boards, and all the people that have volunteered to make our city a great place to live.

So instead of trying to create divisiveness, ask yourself, “What can I do to make things better?” There is a lot of hard work to do in the next couple of years, working on items such as housing, streets, aging infrastructure, blight, and the new Multi Modal Trail Center. This won’t be easy, but the outcomes will make our city that much better in the future.

I have been accused of investing in Boathouse Bay. The answer is “NO”. To put this rumor and false accusation to rest.

Get informed, find out the facts, and get out and vote.

Thank you for your time,
Wade LeBlanc


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