Monday, February 24, 2025
Inmate Population: 11
- 0026 Deputy out with vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 1. Not a hazard.
- 0753 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
- 0929 Sergeant responds to report of damage to property in SB.
- 1322 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Cited for speed 81/55.
- 1604 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2.
- 1613 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Cited for speed 83/55.
- 1643 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1754 Deputy responds to report of theft on Hwy 3.
- 1913 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
- 1928 Deputies respond to report of a disturbance on Hwy 61.
- 2025 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for equipment.
- 2030 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Cited for speed.
- 2049 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of a disturbance on S Airport Rd.
- 2207 Deputy removes dead deer from Hwy 61.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Inmate Population: 8
- 0727 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 0748 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
- 0922 Deputy responds to medical on Garden Lake Dr.
- 0935 Deputy responds to medical on Old North Shore Rd. One transported to SLH.
- 1407 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1437 Deputy makes traffic stop n Hwy 1. Warn for speed.
- 1454 LCRS responds to medical on 8th Street. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
- 1802 Deput and LCRS responds to medical on Larsmont Ridge Rd. No transport.
- 1815 Deputy makes traffic stop on Kawishiwi Trl. Warn for speed.
- 1821 Deputy makes traffic stop n Kawishiwi Trl. Warn for headlight out and expired tabs.
- 1849 Deputy out with stalled vehicle on Hwy 61. Owner has tow on the way.
- 1902 Deputy makes traffic stop on 7th Avenue. Warn for headlight out and expired proof of insurance.
- 1948 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for headlight out.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Inmate Population: 5
- 0526 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of suspicious activity on 4th Street.
- 0721 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
- 0826 Deputy makes traffic stop on Toimi Rd. Cited for speed 75/55.
- 1008 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
- 1206 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of a disturbance on 9th Avenue.
- 1754 Deputy makes traffic stop on 7th Avenue. Warn for failure to yield.
- 1829 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. One brought to LCJ for driving after cancellation, cancelled inimical to public safety.
- 2358 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All ok.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Inmate Population: 5
- 0148 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All ok.
- 0202 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 0401 Deputy checks on residences on house watch list. All ok.
- 0720 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
- 0722 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for taillight out.
- 0800 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 0820 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 0932 Deputy and LCRS responds to medical on Park Hill Rd. One transported to SLH by ambulance.
- 1015 Deputy serves papers at Finland residence.
- 1023 Deputy checks on residences on house watch list. All ok.
- 1216 Deputy makes traffic stop on Outer Dr. Warn for speed.
- 1333 Sergeant makes traffic stop on E Club Rd. Warn for speed.
- 1345 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1417 Deputy makes traffic stop n Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1729 Deputies and LCRS respond to medical on Hwy 61. No transport.
- 1808 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for no taillights.
- 1830 Deputy makes traffic stop on Banks Blvd. Warn for equipment.
- 1838 Deputy serves papers in SB.
- 1853 Deputy makes traffic stop on Main Street. Warn for speed.
- 1929 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
- 2129 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 2202 Deputy makes traffic stop on Main Street. Warn for headlight out and no proof of insurance.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Inmate Population: 5
- 0136 Deputy assists MSP with vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 61. Tow on scene.
- 0214 Deputy checks on residences on house watch list.
- 0438 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed and expired license.
- 0552 Deputy responds to medical on 9th Avenue. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
- 0642 Deputy at community engagement in Finland.
- 0901 Deputy makes traffic stop on Little Marais Rd. Warn for speed.
- 0907 Deputy makes traffic stop on 7th Avenue. Warn for speed.
- 0932 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
- 1101 Deputy removes tree from Hwy 2.
- 1115 Deputy makes traffic stop on Kane Lake Rd. Warn for speed.
- 1122 Deputy out with occupied vehicle near Hwy 1/Hwy 2 intersection. All ok.
- 1227 Deputy out with vehicle on Scenic Drive. Vehicle towed.
- 1507 Deputy out with vehicle with flashers on Hwy 61. Tow on the way.
- 1541 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1646 Deputy out with party on Hwy 61. Party taking pictures of owl.
- 1935 Deputy assists MSP.
- 1946 Deputy responds to report of damage to property on Hwy 12.
- 2031 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61 near West Rd. Cited for speed 48/35.
- 2059 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
- 2119 Deputy assists MSP on Hwy 61.
- 2129 Deputy makes traffic stop on Main Street. Warn for speed.
- 2225 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near Boomers Rd. Warn for speed.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Inmate Population: 5
- 0326 Deputy checks on residences on house watch list.
- 1327 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to driving complaint.
- 1346 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Hwy 1. Cited for speed 69/50.
- 1455 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near Forest Hwy 11. Warn for speed.
- 1502 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1522 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
- 1538 Deputy serves papers at SB residence.
- 1549 Deputy serves papers at SB residence.
- 1611 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Cited for speed 70/55.
- 1621 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Cited for speed 77/55.
- 1630 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
- 1632 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1634 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Cited or speed.
- 1641 LCRS responds to medical on Hwy 3. One transported by ambulance to LVMH.
- 1709 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1723 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1733 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1831 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61 near West Rd. Cited for speed 71/50.
- 1908 Deputies and SBPD at community engagement in SB.
- 1932 Deputy makes traffic stop no Hwy 2 near E Alger Grade. Warn for speed.
- 2001 Deputy makes traffic stop on Main Street. Warn for no rear lights on trailer.
- 2011 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61 near West Rd. Warn for speed.
- 2013 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near Bald Eagle Ln. Warn for speed.
- 2023 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 2032 Deputy assists THPD with traffic stop on 7th Avenue.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Inmate Population: 7
- 0148 Deputy assists other agency.
- 0323 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list.
- 0509 Deputy makes traffic stop on Forest Hwy 11 near Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
- 0925 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near Dufresne Rd. Cited for speed 75/55.
- 1007 Deputies and LCRS at Beargrease.
- 1211 Deputy receives report of 3 dogs near white pines on Hwy 2. Unable to locate.
- 1424 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Hwy 3. Warn for speed.
- 1441 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Cited for speed 79/60.
- 1516 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
- 1647 Deputy responds to report of a dispute over payment in Isabella.
- 1754 Deputies respond, along with THPD, to report of a vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 2. One brought to LCJ for DWI as well as multiple other charges.
- 2124 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Gate 1 Rd. Warn for speed.
- 2327 Deputy out with occupied vehicle on Main Street. Using phone.