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HomeNewsLegal NoticesSHERIFF’S REPORT


Monday, September 25, 2023
Inmate Population: 9

  • 0733 Deputy responds to a request for a welfare check on 7th Ave­nue. All ok.
  • 0740 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 0827 Deputy responds to a request for a welfare check on Airport Rd. One was transported to Essentia by ambulance.
  • 0942 LCRS responds to a medical on 13th Avenue.
  • 1123 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 1405 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of a domestic disturbance on 13th Avenue.
  • 1458 Deputy out with vehicle on Fernberg Rd. Vehicle broke down.
  • 1521 Deputy and LCRS respond to a medical on Hwy 1. One was trans­ported to SLH by ambulance.
  • 1523 Deputy serves papers at LCJ.
  • 1727 Deputy and LCRS respond to a medical on Riverside Drive. No transport.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Inmate Population: 8

  • 0742 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 1010 Deputy responds to report of trespassing on Koski Rd.
  • 1011 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
  • 1022 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Forest Hwy 11. Warn for speed.
  • 1029 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Toimi Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1039 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Forest Hwy 11. Warn for speed.
  • 1210 Deputy serves papers at LCJ.
  • 1308 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed and driver’s license status.
  • 1318 Deputy and LCRS respond to a medical at Tettegouche State Park. No transport.
  • 1343 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All ok.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Inmate Population: 8

  • 0134 LCRS responds to a medical on Lax Lake Rd. One was transported to Essentia by ambulance.
  • 0645 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for taillights.
  • 0726 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Outer Drive. Cited for speed.
  • 0733 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 1033 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for impeding traf­fic.
  • 1154 LCRS responds to a report of truck vs train. One was transported to SLH by ambulance.
  • 1241 Deputy assists Ely PD with welfare check. All ok.
  • 1308 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
  • 1340 Deputy responds to a report of unknown trouble in BWCAW. All ok.
  • 1350 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to report of a domestic disturbance in BB. One was brought to LCJ for domestic assault.
  • 1412 Sergeant transports inmate from Washburn Co to LCJ.
  • 1538 Deputy at THHS for the end of the school day.
  • 1737 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of an order vio­lation.
  • 1844 Deputy serves papers at LCSO.

Thursday, September 28, 2023
Inmate Population: 10

  • 0710 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Gate 12 Rd. Warn for speed and unsafe passing.
  • 0734 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 0918 Deputy takes a report of trespassing.
  • 1259 Deputy takes a report of trespassing.
  • 1454 Deputy takes a report of a suspicious activity on Toimi Rd.
  • 1656 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of theft on 7th Avenue.
  • 1919 LCRS responds to a medical on 4th Ave. One was transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 2020 Deputy out with vehicle on Scenic Drive. Party had someone bringing them gas.
  • 2113 Deputy responds to a report of a driving complaint on Hwy 61. Vehicle located and warned for driving conduct.
  • 2134 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for no taillights.
  • 2144 Deputy locates vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 1.
  • 2159 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of suspicious activity on Burlington Rd.
  • 2341 Deputy and SBPD training with K-9.

Friday, September 29, 2023
Inmate Population: 9

  • 0043 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Main St.
  • 0051 Deputy out with party on Ruth St.
  • 0556 Deputy responds to a report of property found on Main St. Prop­erty returned to the owner.
  • 0710 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
  • 0902 Deputy responds to a request for a welfare check in Ely. All ok.
  • 1135 Deputy responds to a report of suspicious activity on Hwy 1.
  • 1213 Deputy assists MSP with 2 vehicle accidents on Hwy 1. No injuries reported.
  • 1415 Deputy and LCRS respond to a report of a 2 vehicle accidents on 7th Avenue.
  • 1507 Deputy responds to report of theft in KR.
  • 1634 Deputy takes a report of a phone scam.
  • 1645 Deputy responds to a report of a burglary on Hwy 2.
  • 1745 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Outer Drive. Cited for speed 51/30.
  • 2256 Deputy responds to a request for a welfare check in Ely. Unable to locate.

Saturday, September 30, 2023
Inmate Population: 9

  • 0544 Deputy responds to a medical on Hwy 1.
  • 0638 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for headlight out, taillight out and failure to dim high beams.
  • 0716 Deputies conduct an ATV safety class.
  • 0744 Chief Deputy and LCRS provide traffic control for the bike race.
  • 0849 Deputy responds to a report of theft on Hwy 61.
  • 0901 Deputy responds to a report of damage to property on Drum­mond Grade.
  • 0909 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Penn Blvd. Cited for speed 48/30.
  • 1128 Deputies respond to a security alarm on Scenic Dr. All secure.
  • 1150 Deputy responds to a request for a welfare check on Park Rd. Unable to locate.
  • 1324 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Outer Drive. Warn for speed.
  • 1413 Deputies and LCRS assist MSP with 2 vehicle accidents on Hwy 61.
  • 1608 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of a fight on 9th Ave. One brought to LCJ.
  • 1647 Deputy assists public with ride from hospital to their vehicle.
  • 1659 Deputy out with vehicle on Forest Hwy 11.
  • 1717 Deputy responds to a report of a disturbance on Hwy 3.
  • 1750 Deputy and LCRS respond to a report of an overdue hunter. Party found safe.
  • 1804 Deputy responds to a medical on Hwy 61. One was transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1848 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Lax Lake Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1905 Deputy attempts to locate possible drunk driver on Hwy 3.
  • 2205 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to a request for a welfare check in SB. All ok.

Sunday, October 1, 2023
Inmate Population: 9

  • 0030 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61.
  • 0044 Deputies respond, along with SBPD, to a report of unknown trouble on Hwy 61. Party given ride.
  • 0859 LCRS responds to a medical on Big Rock Rd. One was transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 0917 LCRS responds to a medical on Klinker Rd.
  • 0953 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1136 Deputy responds to a report of suspicious activity on Hwy 3.
  • 1203 Deputy assists other agency with stall on Hwy 61.
  • 1236 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for impeding traf­fic.
  • 1249 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1403 Deputies on ATV patrol.
  • 1812 Deputy responds to a report of an assault on Hwy 2.
  • 1853 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of a domestic disturbance on 3rd Ave.
  • 1948 Deputy responds to a report of a tree on a power line on W Castle Danger Rd.
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