At Monday night’s City Council meeting, Kathy Glenn received recognition for years of work that she has given the city of Two Harbors. Mayor Lew Conner presented Glenn with a plaque acknowledging her ongoing work with the Edna G committee. “In my short tenure as mayor, I’ve been delighted to have been able to work with Kathy on the Arts and Beautification committee and to listen to her input on a variety of topics including the Edna G”. The secret to being a good citizen is to pitch in and help out in one’s community. Kathy attends most council meetings and can frequently be seen talking with the Mayor and Council members. Her efforts to support the community are appreciated.
Finance Director Miranda Pietila spoke with the Council about the upcoming 2025 budget and establishing the proposed property tax levy for 2025. While the budget is still being worked on, the current thinking is that the property tax increase will be around 6% for next year. When the budget is finalized, that increase may be lower but it will not exceed 6%. At Pietila’s recommendation, the Council set the Truth in Taxation meeting for December 9th at 5:30 PM at City Hall. The Northshore Journal will publish more information on the upcoming budget and levy as it becomes available.
The Council voted on the name for the new municipal liquor store. There were several names that were under consideration. The Council settled on the Breakwater Bottle Shoppe. There was some discussion about the spelling of Shop and it was eventually decided that using the somewhat archaic form gave historic reference to Pop Shoppe beverages that were available in town at some point in the past.
The Council voted to accept a resolution from the Cannabis Committee to control issuance of cannabis licenses within the city to one license initially with the option of adding a municipal cannabis dispensary at a later date. There was one “no” vote with the remaining council members voting in favor of the resolution.
The Friends of the Two Harbors Library are holding a book sale on Friday and Saturday, October 4th and 5th. Book sale hours are from 10 am to 6 pm on Friday and from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday. The book sale will be held in the conference room at Aspirus Lakeview Hospital. A bag full of books will cost $7.00. Bring your library card.
The Public Affairs Committee will be organizing a Homelessness Roundtable event next month to explore what kind of support and services the city may be able to offer the homeless population.
The next Two Harbors Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 14th at 5:30 PM.