Wednesday, February 5, 2025


LEGAL Notices

I. Attendance: Stacy Breden, Doug Lande, Mike Nikula, Shirley Nel­son, Kenny Nelson, Danielle Heffer­an, Vaughn Hoff, Honor Schauland, Terri Perfetto, Randy Duke, Russell Vance, Joe Baltich, Nancy Anselment- Olson, Jerry Finley, Gary Olson, Jona­than Beauchane, Anna Laskey, David Geist, Colby Abazs, Lise Abazs, Doug­las Perfetto

II. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Agenda. Motioned by Russ, seconded by Mike, passed by unanimous con­sent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Regular September Meeting Minutes. Mo­tioned by Mike, seconded by Russ, passed by unanimous consent.

C. MOTION: To approve October’s Special Meeting Minutes. Mo­tioned by Russ, seconded by Mike, passed by unanimous consent.

D. Treasurer’s Report:

MOTION: To approve the Trea­surer’s Report. Motioned by Russ, seconded by Mike, passed by unanimous consent.

E. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by Russ, seconded by Mike, passed by unanimous consent.

F. The board reviewed the correspon­dence received by the Town.

Public Concerns:

Joe Baltich had a follow-up to a question presented at the about the debates for the primary that was held at the Community Cen­ter. Someone brought up the fact that our landfill will be full in two years and that was the first He heard about it. Joe was curious if we were concerned and if we had a plan or knew of a plan moving forward.

Board members stated that there is a new proposal spot possibly in Cotton.

MPCA has an option for a regional garbage disposal site.

III. Guest Speakers:

A. Doug Lande:

Forest Service, USDA Landscape Scale Restoration Competitive Pro­cess. Doug is hoping to eventually be able to see and help manage a forestry crew with barracks that can work on private properties in con­junction with the Firewise efforts and USFS efforts to make our for­est areas both safe and healthy into the future. This program might be capable of helping fund other types of private forest harvest business­es. Doug lives in Isabella and is an elected representative of SWCD District 2, but isn’t representing them in this capacity at this meeting. Would Crystal Bay Township be interested in helping with this grant or to spearhead it.

B. Email Correspondence request from Christine McCarthy Lake County Environmental Services Director: Stacy Read the following:

Crystal Bay Township needs to de­cide where the recycling trailer cov­er structure will go. Christine will be at our Nov 21st meeting to discuss the Lake County Comprehensive Plan update.

MOTION: Put the trailer and cover structure at the county garage on Hwy #1 Since there is adequate lighting. Motioned by Russ, Sec­onded by Mike

Passed by unanimous consent.

IV. Reports (5 minutes each)

A. Monthly Clerk Updates

1. Insurance Claims:

A. #23BA037 Dump Truck: The worn shackle pins and bushings are worn and tear and not covered. In­surance deducted $188.62 (parts) + $1850 (labor) = $2038.62 from the bill. Here’s the breakdown: Bill total: $17,401.88 / Non-covered: $2038.62 / Total: $15,363.26 / 8-8- 23 payment: $14,222.94 / Deductible: $1000 / Reim­bursement: $140.32 MATIT will issue a reimbursement check in the amount of $140.32 and closed the ac­count. (came in the mail today and will be entered with this month’s deposits)

● Second Bill received in the amount of $8,390.10 from Blain Brothers. I inquired with our Insurance Agent Deb @ MATIT and this is normal Wear and tear and not covered.

Breakdown: Parts and Labor = $5869.92 and $ 2128.13 were Towing costs from Scanlon to Blaine, totaling $7998.05. Blaine Brothers charged us tax for this bill in the amount of $392.05. The check was written for $7998.05 and an email was sent explaining we do not pay sales tax. I included A copy of the bill and a ST-3 with the check to be mailed out.

B. #23CP055 Septic: Deb our Insurance agent previously stated Scott was hoping to have a report done the first weekend in October. I con­tacted Deb on Monday Oct 16th and she has not seen a report or heard from Scott. She will update me as soon as she hears something.

● (Document Attached) Deci­sion from MATIT being:

We did receive a Reser­vation of Rights from our Insurance Company MATIT Disclosing that MATIT is contracting Scott Robinson with Terra Firma to inspect the Septic at the Clair Nel­son Community Center. If it is determined that the Cause of loss is not covered under the policy, MATIT will then close its file and any required design modifica­tions and repairs will be the responsibility of Crystal Bay Township.

● I have given the Supervisors FY24 Resource guides- Grants and Loans To look over in case there are any grants or information that could be useful with the Septic issue.

2. Office Supplies: Purchased ex­ternal hard drives for Danielle and me. Also, purchased a paper shredder, desk, chair, & an un­der the desk file cabinet. I will need to purchase some wall file folders and shelving for the office and have them installed.

3. I will not be at December or January’s Monthly Meeting unless there is a change in my coaching schedule. I will have things prepared and organized for the Meetings ahead of time and talk with Danielle about taking Minutes in my absence.

B. Road and Bridge: Doug

The Dump Truck is back and looks good. Doug thanks Russ and the board for purchasing the Lake County Truck #4991 for $1.00. Doug has hauled 26 loads with the tandem we borrowed with the coun­ty to the Park Hill Rd. This truck will Cut down on the trips he has to take since it hauls more. Doug will continue to work on Silver Hill Road and Mattson Road before Getting the Plow wings set up and ready for winter.

C. Community Center

(See Attached Report)

D. Cemetery: Vaughn

Six burials in the cemetery since last meeting and sold one lot. Need to cut several spruce trees that need to be taken down before they fall down. Maybe they can wait until next spring.

E. Housing Project Update: Stacy

1. Housing Surveys are coming in the mail slowly, I have been checking the drop boxes At the Co-op and Clair Nelson Center regularly too.

2. Booya was on SaturdayOctober 7th/ Booth turnout re: booth traf­fic was slow I answered a few questions mostly concerning the project being low-income housing. Hopefully after hiring for the positions the Steering Committee can start meeting to move the project forward and shift it away from my plate.

3. Friends of Finland provided a proposal to Crystal Bay Town­ship on October 1st. to assist and jointly advise on the Explo­ration of Housing Solutions for 2023-2024.

Friends of Finland proposes partnering with Crystal Bay Township in the following ways:

● Fiscal sponsorship of grants, grants administration when necessary, grant writing and ad­ministrative coaching for project staff and/or township clerk and/ or supervisors. Funds for this are written into existing grants and would be written into any grants applied for in the future.

● Advising/coaching on commu­nity outreach and how to get broad community engagement for project staff and/or township clerk and/or supervisors. Funds for this are written into existing grants and would be written into any grants applied for in the fu­ture.

● Doing community outreach for the project directly with coor­dination and direction from the project coordinator/township clerk. Funds for this are written into existing grants and would be written into any grants ap­plied for in the future.

This has already been hap­pening and Honor and I both felt like it should be in print and noted as a motion for transpar­ency purposes and to outline specifically what Friends of Finland’s role is with the project. MOTION: To Accept Friends of Finland’s proposal to Crystal Bay Township to assist and jointly advise on the Explora­tion of Housing Solutions for 2023-2024. Motioned by Mike Seconded by Paul, Russ Nay

Motion Carried

Ms. Nelson asked where this grant idea came from. Kenny Nelson is worried about zoning Residential vs Commercial and the future of Finland. Danielle stated this project was brought up in 2020. There was a Star Grant which was just to do a land assessment if there was forfeited lands what is the fea­sibility of the township acquiring them for business or housing needs

V. Old Business

A. Housing Project Hiring Committee:

We had 3 applicants and held 2 interviews. Both applicants brought strengths and passions to each of the positions and we are grateful for their interest in the project. After a lot of thought and consideration around where this project is and what it needs to carry it forward- we cannot recommend either applicant for these positions at the current moment.

● We feel the Community Engage­ment Coordinator position should be rewritten to shift some of the job responsibilities to the steering com­mittee along with some of the pay. This will allow for the opportunity for more collaborative leadership and for some members of the steering committee to have a higher level of responsibility and be paid for their work.

● We recommend applicant Rachel Flemming (who comes with a degree in Housing and Redevel­opment as well as grant writing experience) be offered the Grants and Partnerships Coordinator role-however think that if the Commu­nity Engagement Coordinator role description is being reviewed then some changes may impact this role too. Therefore, wait to offer her the role until the Community Engage­ment Coordinator role is reconfig­ured.

We recommend the board allow Stacy (the current interim Coordi­nator), Honor (Friends of Finland ED), and Tracy (hired as the project facilitator) to take the input from the hiring committee, revise the roles as necessary, and come to the board with another recommen­dation at a special meeting in the next week or two. MOTION: Russ approves the Hiring Committees

Recommendation Mike Seconds

Russ approves recommendation Mike Seconds Passed by unani­mous consent

● The board decided to hold a Special Meeting on October 30th at 6 pm at the Clair Nelson Com­munity Center.

Agenda will be to discuss the hiring process for the Housing Project to fill the need of a Com­munity Engagement Coordina­tor and a Grants & Partnerships Coordinator. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul

Passed by unanimous consent.

B. Dump Truck Purchase:

Doug Purchased a Radiator for Truck # 4991 from Boyer. Stacy contacted the insurance company the premium will be mailed out with this month’s bills. Truck is ready for pick up

Doug and Paul will coordinate a date to go together to Two Har­bors DMV and transfer title and Purchase tabs. After that is done the county will apply current DOT certification. Doug will deliver the $1.00 check at time of pick up.

C. Lake County Gravel Crushing Con­tract Update:

1. Lake County won’t invoice the Township until payment is made to TNT. When they do that, they will include the sale of gravel in the Cramer Pit as a credit, thereby reducing the total payment needed from Crystal Bay and avoid sending money back and forth. Crushing next year.

D. Cartway:

The Schoolhouse Road Cartway has been filed at the Lake County Courthouse in the recorder and the auditor’s office. We have since re­ceived the original copy back. The Supervisors had

A look at it in the correspondence folder, it will be filed after this meet­ing with our records. Additionally, I have invoiced Ms. Rothbart for the 92.00 Filing fee, and the 330.00 Smith Law bill that was paid last month. The Smith Law bill was for costs incurred due to the second resolution and the 772.42 increase paid out to Wartman’s. Upon reconciling our month Danielle and I noticed the Township had a balance of $-422 in the account. I reached out to Smith Law, Tyson advised we invoice Klun Law Of­fice directly ℅ Ms. Rothbart for the $422 amount to zero the Cartway Account out and thus skipping over inquiring more costs from his office. I emailed the invoice on Monday Oct. 16th, and mailed a paper copy as well.

E. Visa: Stacy will bring Septembers approved minutes into the Credit Union this week and be in contact with Doug to sign and it should be set to use with the raised limit From 3,000 to 8,000.

F. Voter Survey:

Stacy got all the surveys mailed out with a self-addressed envelope by October 1st. We are getting a lot of responses. Board approved the asking of legal name in the Survey so some comments on that but over all people are still responding. There was a return date of Novem­ber 1st for the surveys and a date of Dec 19th for A report on the surveys. I will have a report at our November 21st meeting as I won’t be at December’s monthly meeting.

G. Local Road Improvement Program Road Funding: Russ

We can point the LRIP monies towards Road and Bridge for gravel crushing once awarded.

We could get up to 50,000 or more depending on our town roads ser­vice mileage.

Russ needs to know the mileage of town-serviced roads to determine grant funding and to further fill out an application.

H. CLP Triangle and Cemetery Light­ing Update: Mike looked into the CLP rate increase, there is nothing CLP will do for us regarding our bill. If the cost is an issue we will need to look into solar lighting of the flag. If we have a flag flying at night, we need to have it lit. Russ looked into Solar Lights, we have to think about Vandalism re: Solar lighting. For $389.00 we can buy solar lights to mount on top of the flagpole with a 90 day warranty. This would run $209.00 for replacement batteries. 12 hrs of light guarantee.

For $499.00 we could get one that does not post-mount its ground mount. That would Be $1400.00 ish to replace the existing lights we have and it’s just on a ground stake. If we alter it, we lose our warranty. It only covers lenses and solar pan­els, not vandalism. It’s a 200w light. For $699.00 we can buy any light we want and mount how we want. Then it would be $2100.00 to get started. They all only guarantee 12hrs of light and we need about 14 hrs. Vaughn has a Solar mounted flag 20 feet, it’s retractable, it was $600.00 including pole.

Board will keep looking at options for the lighting.

I. Septic Update:

Stacy contacted Chase he has the cap and alarm, he is going to stop today 10/17/23 And make sure Tank 3 is below the outlet pipe so he can cut and cap it. Paul will or­der 2 1500 WATT trough heaters from Co-op. Stacy Communicated the heater purchase to Chase. Stacy has communicated With Christine at the courthouse and they are on board with the winter­izing if the System and waiting for the inspection report. Our Permit and the payment are on hold until we know what direction we need to take after Scott’s inspection report Is received. Russ is concerned that Scott won’t come in time (before winter) and Crystal Bay should think about getting a second opinion on an inspection.

Russ makes a motion he reaches out to other County Licensed In­spectors from the list provided by Brandon Caltrider with Lake Coun­ty. Russ would like a second opinion on this inspection since Scott is hired by our Insurance Company and there hasn’t been any Commu­nication from him. Paul seconds Passed by unanimous consent.

Nancy noted the area needs to be fenced and posted in the winter.

J. Compensation Policy Review:

Russ makes a motion that the information Stacy provided in Sep­tember is looked over by the board for a discussion at the November and December meetings. With a decision by the New Year and then brought to the Annual Meeting in March for a Levy Increase for 2025. Seconded by Paul Passed by unan­imous consent. Stacy also noted that the scope of work for the Clerk be looked at too, as well as even the Treasurer and other positions. Stacy would really like the board to think about what they would Like out of their clerk’s position as she is currently pulled in a lot of directions with Township Matters and worries it’s not sustainable especially since she hasn’t been given an accurate job description.

VI. New Business:

A. Due to the sale of Four Seasons and new ownership there needs to be a new liquor license to replace the existing one. The following re­quest for a liquor license is going before the County board on Octo­ber 24th and township approval is required from Crystal Bay Town­ship. MOTION: To approve the new application for Four Seasons LLC, DBA Four Seasons Restaurant & Bar located at 6538 Highway 1 Finland, MN 55603 for an on and off-sale liquor license with Sunday sales, subject to the approval of the County Attorney, and County Sheriff. Motioned by Paul, Second­ed by Russ Passed by unanimous consent.

B. MN Historical Agreement for Re­cord Transfer of Historic Checks & Historic Cigarette License from September 2023’s minutes to Fin­land MN Historical Society signed by Crystal Bay Township Board and Finland Minnesota Historical Soci­ety Board and mailed to the State for Approval before legally gifting items.

C. MOTION: to gift to the Finland Min­nesota Historical Society the follow­ing Historical Artifacts from Crystal Bay.

1. two pairs of old metal handcuffs and the keys,

2. two calligraphy pens

3. one baton used by the consta­bles,

4. two constable badges,

5. one Crystal Bay Justice of the Peace seal,

6. two folded American Flags,

7. one scroll dowel

Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Mike Passed by unanimous con­sent.

No State Document required per MN Historical Society

C. October Record Destruction Re­port: See Attached Report

MOTION: To approve getting rid of documented records.

Motioned by Mike, Seconded by Russ Passed by unanimous con­sent.

E. Boyer Truck Credit Application: Doug noted he has bought there for years, and a credit Application was never transferred with the sale of Boyer. Doug is asking for a credit Application to be on file so it is easier to purchase parts.

IV. MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 pm until November 21st, 2023 at 7 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Mike, seconded by Russ.


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