Friday, October 18, 2024


Attendance: Russ Vance (Telephone), Stacy Breden, Mike Nikula, Amy Nikula, Terri Perfetto, Douglas Perfetto, Paul Hartshorn, Gordon Thorne, Randy Josephson, Danielle Hefferan, Honor Schauland, Gary Olson, Jonathan Beauchane, Vaughn Hoff, Nancy Anselment Olson, David Geist, Colby Abazs, Kaare Melby, Andrew Deyette

II. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7:04 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Agenda. Motioned by Russ; Seconded by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Regular November Meeting Minutes. Motioned by Mike; Seconded by Russ; Passed by unanimous consent.

C. Treasurer’s Report: See attached

MOTION: To approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motioned by Russ; Seconded by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

D. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by Paul; Seconded by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

E. The board reviewed correspondence received by the Town.

III. Public Concerns:

• Dave Geist addressed the board, asking for an update on Stacy’s pay request; Paul said it would be discussed at the reorganization meeting in February. David notes that you don’t want to lose her. Stacy notes that it will be addressed in her clerk’s report and she will press the board for an answer.

• Jonathan Beauchane addressed the board, asking if they could ask the State to widen the shoulders along Hwy #1 through Finland due to safety concerns. Mike will contact the DOT, Danielle noted and maybe ask Beaver Bay Township if they would ask as well for wider shoulders since they are our neighboring Township. Gary asked if Mike could inquire about a schedule of road work so we would know what to anticipate come road work season.

• Mike addressed the residents, letting them know this summer the County Highway Dept will be working on the Cramer Road at Nine Mile Creek Bridge; they will have one lane at a time with stop and go lights in place.

V. Reports (5 minutes each)

A. Monthly Clerks Reports:

• Our VISA Cards were compromised with fraud charges, we have new cards and all is well now.

• I will not be at January’s Meeting unless my coaching schedule changes.

• We will be doing our 2024 reorganization later in this meeting because I am planning to not be here; I also provided the board with a pay schedule for 2024 as well as the board and the public with the meeting schedule for regular board meetings and the Annual Meeting Date, which will be posted outside The Coop Store and in the entryway here at the Clair Nelson Community Center.

• Colin was in to see me and filled out the proper paperwork. I would like to point out to the board that last month’s motion was to keep Colin on while Pudgy is recovering, Note: This could mean the remainder of the snow season if Doug’s hands don’t heal fast. I have a contract later in the meeting for the board chair to sign.

• I ordered the lights and pole for the cemetery last week. Vaughn will have an update on his report.

• We received the final signed paperwork from the State of MN Archives for us to officially gift the Finland Historical Society with the old checks and Cigarette License booklet. I turned them over to the Historical Society this morning at their 8:00 a.m. monthly meeting.

• Since our last meeting, Rachel Flemming has been connected to the Housing Team. She is traveling for The Holidays and couldn’t be here tonight. She attended the first steering committee meeting on December 15th and will pick up after the Holidays with the project and plans to attend the January meeting with a report.

• I also attended the first steering committee meeting and explained how Per Diem will work as well as explained the minutes taken to Honor who filled in for the first meeting. If there is a minute-taker volunteer I will have to work with them a bit so they understand how minutes need to be taken for the Steering Committee under the Township guidelines.

• Projects: Managing Digital Files

1. I originally planned to have the records report typed by the end of the year but have now aimed to have the records file complete by our Annual Meeting in March.

• Judy Martell brought in some road maps she found in her basement. I will add those to the records report.

• Re: Resolutions: Resolutions do not necessarily need to be signed by the chair or attested to by the clerk. Town boards should, however, consider using formal procedures when adopting resolutions that are regulatory in nature. A resolution should be entered into the minutes of the meeting at which it was adopted, noting the officers voting for or against it.

We currently have resolutions digitally that I have to search for in minutes to see.

If they were discussed if there is no proof of legitimacy, it is advised that I print them off and present them to the board for them to look over and approve at the current time. Note the date and sign at the bottom.

• I reached out to Sandy Gunnink about the Snowmobile contract I found last month and she had no idea there was such a contract.

 She asked to be on the agenda for January, to discuss a more long-range plan for the club.

• Given Russ’ statement at the end of the last meeting re: not being able to talk outside of a meeting, given 2 is a quorum and in violation of open meeting laws. I have reached out to MAT and provided the board and residence with the information if The Board so chooses to move from a 3 to 5-person board and how to reflect that on the ballot for 2024.

• In regards to Danielle’s news about not continuing after May 2024, I am not sure what I would advise, other than that I am not a Treasurer and will not take on that role. If the board wants to find someone else, they will need Quickbooks knowledge because I am still learning and I don’t foresee myself being confident enough by May to take it on solely.

• I have updated the Septic File with Russ’ correspondence with the lawyer and provided that to the residence if they so choose to continue to update their file as well.

I would like to note that Russ seemed to get a bit off topic given the motion was for indebtedness only and in terms of record keeping I am not sure how to handle speaking out of the bounds of a motion. I have reached out to MAT to see what the best way to handle this is.

So for now, I am documenting the response in December’s minutes, since the motion and the actions taken don’t match. Motion was recorded in 11/21/23 minutes recorded as: MOTION: Russ will reach out to the Lawyer to figure out what indebtedness has to be filed in the event we have to bond for the septic repair. Motioned by Russ; Seconded by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

Russ’ email references items that were not motions such as: Getting bids from father and son to fix the septic, Russ notes to the lawyer that we did not pursue any repairs until we found out the insurance company’s denial decision. Clerk Notes: this is not true, we had Chase Warnecke out to manage the system several times in the summer so we could comply and keep the facility running. Also, noted to the lawyer the board made a decision to not go after our facility manager Friends of Finland, even though our contract with them spells out that they are required for maintenance and repairs. Clerk Notes: The contract very clearly states that our managers will do maintenance and general upkeep, nothing of an emergency nature. The email continues; The board made a decision not to pursue disputing the report from the insurance company and to not look at the issues of possible human error as well as turning off the power in the winter to the pump. Clerk Notes: This motion failed because it was not properly handled in the meeting, not because the board voted it down.

• I am still working an average of 28 hours a week which leads me to the job description and wage request I have prepared. (See document)

MOTION: To move clerks’ wages from salary to hourly at a rate of $29.00 an hour for clerical work, and $33.00 an hour for Special Projects also known as work outside of the scope of clerical. Clerk to receive the standard $100.00 for the meetings attended.

Wages are paid out monthly and meetings are paid out quarterly. Motioned by Paul, Seconded by Mike Passed by unanimous consent.

B. Road and Bridge:

Nikolai Road Culverts are still full of mud and sticks and might be plugged. If it floods again, Doug will only plow as far as he can and will back out of the road.

Doug will start training Colin in the next week as he sees fit before his surgery which is scheduled on January 3rd, 2024. Doug is leaving town on Saturday, December 23rd, 2023 for Christmas and will be back on Monday, December 25th, 2023. Doug notes: Hoping for no weather events so he doesn’t have to come home. Roads might not be plowed immediately if there is a weather event. Paul will call Doug to let him know if there is snow.

C. Community Center:

( See Attached Report)

D. Cemetery:

The Flag Pole came, and after digging through twelve-plus feet of frost the base for the new flag pole was installed. Vaughn is hoping that he will install the rest tomorrow and then we can eliminate the Coop Power and Light bill at the Cemetery.

Vaughn will get a lock and chains, secure the light, and then store the key in the Town Office.

E. Housing Project Update:

The First Steering Committee meeting was held on Friday, December 15th at 5:00 p.m. At the Clair Nelson Center with 14 people in attendance. The Steering Committee Decided on meeting the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Clair Nelson Center. Mike urges everyone interested to attend those meetings because Township Meetings will only have a brief report on the Steering Committee’s plans. Mike also notes

Everyone is welcome to join the Steering Committee at any time. Meetings are only Scheduled through June of 2024 right now.

VI. Old Business

A. Septic Update: Russ

Peter Tiede, our lawyer, advises we should go out for new quotes or bids in the Spring of 2024. If the amount we have on hand to pay out is $ 40,000.00 toward the repairs the Township can go by bid or direct negotiation. So that works without formal bidding. Peter suggested formal Bidding anyway if the Township thinks there’s any chance it will yield more financial options for The Town doesn’t think it looks like it will be required. Stacy provided the board and Residence with MAT policies re: Lowest Responsible Bidder Requirements and The Responsible Contractor Law. Russ also said he talked with Scott Robinson about providing the Township with A redesign proposal. Scott gave a word-of-mouth quote to Russ of $2500.00

MOTION: Russ to reach out to Scott Robinson for a formal redesign bid sent to the Township’s email by Marches Annual Meeting so the Township can prepare in the event a Levy increase is needed for 2025. Motioned by Paul; Seconded by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

B. Local Road Improvement Program Russ: No Update

Stacy noted to Russ the below information in case this needed to be attended. Russ said no, there has been no movement on his end with fund inquiries.

On January 8th, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) will host a workshop for annual reporters from the State of Minnesota in preparation for the 2024 annual report, due on April 30, 2024. The purpose of the workshop is to provide recipients with key resources and a live “how-to” training demonstration to complete the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) annual report.

VII. New Business:

A. Steering Committee Agreement was signed.

B. Part-time Road Worker Contract for Colin Bischoff was signed.

C. Sick and Safe Time Resolution: MOTION to accept the Sick and Safe Time Resolution Effective by State Law January 1st, 2023 Motioned by Paul; Seconded by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

D. Snowmobile Contract discussion:

1. Clerk notes that a payment of $1,200.00 donation was received for 2024

2. Sandy Gunnink would like to be on January’s agenda to talk about a longer-term storage plan for their equipment. They received funding and purchased new equipment and need to store it indoors.

E. Cemetery Resolution Discussion: Tabled

F. Reorganization Meeting:

1. MOTION: Pass resolution 2023-012 Appointing Chair and Vice Chair Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul, passed by unanimous consent.

2. Select board chair and vice-chair. Motion by Paul to stay as Board Chair and Russ and Vice, Russ noted that due to Traveling for his job it’s not a good fit for him. Motion failed.

a) MOTION: for Paul to remain as the board chair and Mike to fill the board vice-chair. Motioned by Russ; Seconded by Paul; Passed by unanimous consent.

3. Set schedule of regular board meetings.

a) MOTION: The Town Board of Crystal Bay Township, Lake County, Minnesota holds its regularly scheduled board meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Clair Nelson Intermodal Transportation Center(Finland Community Center) located at 6866 Cramer Rd, Finland, MN 55603. If the date of a regular meeting falls on a holiday or conflicts with an election, the meeting will be held in the following week on the same day, time, and place. If a regular town board meeting must be held at a different date, time, or place than indicated above, or if the town board decides to hold a special board meeting, notice of the meeting will be posted and published. A copy of this schedule shall be kept on file at the town’s primary office where its records are kept. This schedule shall remain in effect until changed by motion of the town board. Motioned by Russ; Second by Mike; Passed by unanimous consent.

4. Designate an official newspaper.

a) MOTION: The North Shore Journal is selected as the official newspaper for Township notices. Motioned by Paul; Seconded by Russ; Passed by unanimous consent.

5. Designate legal posting place

a) MOTION: The entry to the Community Center (Clair Nelson Intermodal Transportation center) and the bulletin at the Finland Cooperative Store shall be the official posting places for Town business. Motioned by Russ; Seconded by Mike; passed by unanimous consent.

6. Designate a depository bank.

a) MOTION: The North Shore Federal Credit Union is designated as the official depository bank for the Town of Crystal Bay with the Clerk, Treasurer, and Chair as signatories. Additionally, The Clerk and Road Supervisor are approved for use of the Credit Union Share Secured VISA Card. Motioned by Mike; Seconded by Russ; Passed by unanimous consent.

7. Record any known conflicts of interest.

a) Paul Hartshorn: Town Hall and Roads Worker

b) Mike Nikula: Town Hall and Crystal Bay Township Housing Projects Outreach Coordinator.

Each Officer has the appropriate Conflict of Interest Resolution on file in the office of the clerk. Town Clerk also provides monthly appropriate affidavits for each supervisor given they have a conflict of interest in the given month. Each affidavit is affixed to the monthly pay stub and filed in the employee file and in the affidavits book kept in the Town Office of the Clerk. Each Supervisor is provided with an affidavit if requested.

B. County Committee of the Whole – No update

VIII. Close Meeting:

MOTION: To adjourn the meeting at 8:07 pm until January 16th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Mike passed by unanimous consent.

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