Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regularly sched­uled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve. Chair Sve led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by unanimous yea vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Ser­vice Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: County Board members present: District 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Ho­genson, District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd, and District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. County Board members absent: District 1 Commissioner Joe Baltich, and District 2 Commissioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont. Also present: County Admin­istrator Matthew Huddleston, County Sher­iff Nathan Stadler, Interim County Auditor Ronelle “Ronni” Radle, Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan.

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Absent: Bal­tich, Goutermont

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. No public comments were made.

Lake County Administrator Matthew Huddleston provided an update on sev­eral items of county business. The Lake County Fee Schedule annual review is underway for proposed updates for 2025. Lake County Sheriff Nathan Stadler and Environmental Services Director Chris­tine McCarthy reviewed their respective departments proposed updates to the County Fee Schedule. The County Sher­iff advised that their office started offering fingerprinting services in 2024 to out-of-county residents. Previously this service was only offered to Lake County residents. Fingerprinting appointments are set up through the Jail Administrator. Although Lake County residents are not charged a fee for this service, they will still need an appointment. All resident and nonresident requests will need to be scheduled by the Jail Administrator so that someone will be available to do the fingerprints. The Lake County Sheriff’s Office will provide up to two fingerprint cards to each person re­questing to be fingerprinted. The County Sheriff is also recommending changing the rate for a Deputy Sheriff to work a private event. Previously this charge has been at the overtime rate of the deputy that worked the event. The recommended change is to set a flat hourly rate. A wedding reception/ dance is an example of a private event that the revised fee would be billed by the Sheriff’s Office, to provide an invoice to the requesting party.

Interim County Auditor Radle advised their office currently does not have any pro­posed updates to the County Fee Sched­ule; however, they may be bringing forward new line item(s) in the future, with respect to the forfeiture / land sale process. En­vironmental Services Director Christine McCarthy provided several clarifications on her department’s requests for updates to the County Fee Schedule. The Health Department and a few other departments also have proposed updates for consider­ation. Interim County Auditor Ronni Radle advised regarding a request that she re­ceived from the Lake County Historical So­ciety for early distribution of an allocation.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda as pre­sented:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of Decem­ber 31, 2024.

2. Approve Board of Commissioners’ organizational meeting minutes of January 7, 2025.

3. Approve Health and Human Ser­vices claims payments in the fol­lowing amounts:

a. Administrative Payments $ 55,566.00

b. Region III Payments $ 3,148.00

c. Special Payments $ 2,114,062.91

4. Approve and authorize the Lake County Board Chair to sign the Purchase of Service Agreement between the Arrowhead Health Alli­ance and Lake County for member services for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. Further authorize the Board Chair to sign any subsequent amendments or grant award letters through the term of this grant.

5. Approve and authorize the Lake County Board Chair to sign the Agreement for Fiscal Services between Lake County and the Arrowhead Health Alliance for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, at which time this Agreement shall end unless otherwise renewed by agreement of all parties.

6. Approve the travel of Matt Poll­mann, Lake County Emergency Management Director, to attend a meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, in Neebing, Ontario, Canada. The meeting is part of the Pigeon River International Emer­gency Management Committee to strengthen cooperation between cross-border entities and resourc­es. Costs associated with this meeting are for mileage reimburse­ment.

7. Approve and authorize the chair to sign the 2023 Agreement for Emer­gency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funding from MN Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

8. Approve a one day temporary on-sale liquor permit for Finland Snow­mobile & ATV Club for the date of February 15, 2025, at the Clair Nel­son Community Center in Finland.

9. Authorize payment not to exceed the amount of $28,400 to ESRI for the renewal of our Lake County Small Govt licenses.

10. Authorize payment not to exceed the amount of $152,800 to Kucera International Inc. (Invoice No. 25952) for the Lake County Spring 2024 Leaf Off Aerial Fly-Over.

11. Authorize payment to Terra Fir­ma for invoice # 177-1 dated 12/24/2024 in the amount of $36,404.39 for the installation of a 3-bedroom septic mound under Permit SP-24-009. These costs for are funded by the Lake Superior North Watershed Based Funding Grant C24-0200.

12. Authorize payment to Minnesota Sheriff’s Association in the amount of $5,284.63 (Invoice# 2076) for the 2025 MSA dues, Lexipol (policies) and ICLD (training). These 3 items where previously billed separately but are now on one invoice.

13. Authorize Highway Department payment to RIHM Kenworth in the amount of $5,303.37 for repairs to unit #4191, a Kenworth T440 plow truck.

14. Authorize the Highway Department to advertise for bids for a con­struction contract for the following planned improvement and mainte­nance projects:

• SAP 038-626-008 – 2025 Seal Coat Project – CSAH 26 and various city streets, City of Two Harbors

• CP 102-024-001 – Knife River Bridge, Hawk Hill Road (CR 105)

Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 03 – Approve the change in employee sta­tus of Jerrad Hiukka, Facilities Worker, due to completion of probation period effective January 15, 2025. Absent None

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 04 – Approve and authorize the Chairper­son to sign the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and Lake County, for non-criminal justice purposes. Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 05 – Authorize payment in the amount of $5,500.00 to Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) for 2025 Human Resourc­es Technical Assistance (AMC Invoice No. 71311). Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 06 – Approve and authorize the Chairper­son to sign the 2025 Pay Equity Compli­ance Report authorize the submission of same to the State of Minnesota. Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 07 – Approve the change in employee status of Pierce Risdon, Deputy Sheriff, due to completion of probation period ef­fective January 22, 2025. Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 08 – Approve the probationary appoint­ment of Alison Gelineau to Dispatcher/ Jailer at the Step 2 wage of $26.03 per hour effective January 28, 2025. Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 09 – Authorize distribution of first half allocation to the Lake County Historical Society in January 2025. Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 10 – Adjourn Board meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners at 2:37 p.m. Absent: Baltich, Goutermont

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings:

• Committee of the Whole at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, to be held at the Lake County High­way Department, 1513 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

• Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, to be held in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minne­sota.


Laurel D. Buchanan

Clerk of the Board

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Lake County Board of Commissioners


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