Friday, October 18, 2024


Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regularly sched­uled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve. Chair Sve led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless oth­erwise stated, all actions have been approved by a unanimous vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room (SRRR), 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: District 1 Com­missioner Joe Baltich, Commissioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont, District 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Hogen­son, District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd, and District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. Board members absent: None. Also present: County Administrator Matthew Huddleston, County Auditor Linda Libal, Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy, Land Commissioner Nate Eide, Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan.

MOTION HURD, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 01 – Approval of the agenda, as amended to include discussion with Assis­tant County Attorney Lara Nygaard on her interest in an appointment to the position of Interim County Attorney, to fill a vacancy with County Attorney Russ Conrow retiring on May 31, 2024, for the remainder of the vacant term. Absent: None

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. Members of the public were present. Rich Tru spoke about the process that he is go­ing through to become a candidate for the House of Representatives 3A seat. This legislative seat is currently held by Roger Skraba.

Land Commissioner Nate Eide discussed Lake County Forestry Access. He over­viewed the types of access we allow over county land, which include road licenses and easements. He also addressed cart­ways with respect to county land. The purpose of the presentation was to inform the County Board of the statutes related to how and when we can allow access across county land.

Lake County Administrator Matthew Hud­dleston provided an update on several items of county business. Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy was present for the detailed review of the demolition landfill bids, and to review committee discussion regarding whether to proceed with the expansion of the dem­olition landfill.

MOTION BALTICH, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 02 – Award CP-000-24-001 to the lowest responsible bidder, Ulland Brothers, Inc., in the amount of $419,114 for the Demo­lition Landfill Construction Phases 1S and 2S project and authorize the Board Chair to sign the landfill construction contract pending County Attorney review. Absent: None

County Auditor Linda Libal and Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza provided brief updates on behalf of their respective de­partments. County Commissioner Hogen­son reminded attendees that tomorrow, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, is Peace Officers Memorial Day. We recognize the courage of our Nation’s police officers and honor the fallen heroes.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 03 – Approve Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of April 23, 2024.

2. Approve Health and Human Ser­vices claims payments in the fol­lowing amounts:

a. Administrative Payments $ 30,832.01

b. Region III Payments $118,492.45

c. Special Payments $ 35,676.00

3. Authorize payment to Cook County for the 2023 invoice in the amount of $143,301.44, for projects costs incurred by Cook County for the Lake Superior North One Water­shed One Plan (1W1P) Subsur­face Sewage Treatment System Database Inspection, Upgrades and Groundwater Nutrient Abate­ment Project. Lake County is the Fiscal Agent for this project and this invoice will be paid with 1W1P FY2020 Clean Water Funds.

4. Authorize payment of $13,700.00 to L&M Painting (Proposal dated 3/11/2024) for the exterior painting of the Two Harbors Rescue Squad Office Building, Garage and Shop. $6,850.00 will be paid up front and $6,850.00 will be paid upon com­pletion.

5. Approve and authorize the Lake County Board Chair to sign SWIFT Contract number 246475 with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for the period of June 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Further authorize the County Board Chair or the Health and Hu­man Services Director to sign any subsequent amendments or grant award letters through the term of this contract.

6. Authorize payment of $27,364.37 to Duluth Lawn & Sport (Quote dated 1/22/2024) for the purchase of a 2024 Polaris Ranger Northstar Premium 1000 as well as payment of $1300.00 to Live Action Safety for a foldable stokes basket.

7. Amend the 8/22/2023 approval and authorization between the County Recorder and Mid-America Busi­ness Systems microfilm digitiza­tion services agreement to include additional editing fees for a total of $10,287.00.

8. Approve a Contract Amendment with MSA Professional Services for additional engineering, design and project plan development on Project CP 105-022-001, 8th Street Resurfacing for a new total contract value of $94,140.00, an increase of $29,840.00.

9. Award a contract to Envirotech Services, LLC in the amount of $216,460.00 for furnishing and applying Calcium Chloride dust control treatment at a unit cost rate of $1.37 per gallon and authorize the Board Chair to sign the contract pending County Attorney review.

10. Award a contract to Bolton & Menk, Inc. in the amount of $811,163.00 for Construction Engineering Ser­vices for the 2024-2025 Street & Utility Improvement project in the City of Two Harbors (SAP 038-636- 001) and authorize the Board Chair to sign the contract pending County Attorney review.

11. Approve a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Two Harbors for the 2024-2025 Street and Utility Im­provement Project in Two Harbors (SAP 038-636-001) and authorize the Board Chair to sign the agree­ment pending County Attorney re­view.

12. Authorize Highway Department purchase one CAT 420 H2 Back­hoe Loader from Ziegler CAT at a cost not to exceed $133,090.74 plus any additional delivery, tax, title, or registration fees.

13. Authorize Highway Department purchase one John Deere 544 G-Tier Wheel Loader from McCoy Construction & Forestry at a cost not to exceed $200,000.00 plus any additional delivery, tax, title, or registration fees.

14. Authorize the Highway Department to sell by auction or trade-in the fol­lowing surplus equipment:

-#5931, a 1993 CAT 936F Wheel Loader (front end)

-#5860, a 1986 CAT 936F Wheel Loader (front end)

15. Authorize the Highway Department to advertise for bids on project SAP 038-602-036, CSAH 2 Recondi­tioning, White Pine Picnic Area to Greenwood Lake upon final State Aid Plan approval and receipt of necessary permits.

16. Authorize the Highway Department to advertise for bids on project CP 102-024-001, Bridge 38538 and Approaches, Hawk Hill Road over Knife River upon final State Aid Plan approval, receipt of necessary permits, and accepted offers on right of way acquisition from adja­cent property owners.

17. Authorize the City of Silver Bay to acquire approximately 250 cubic yards of pit run material from the county’s Lax Lake gravel pit on Birdshot Road at a unit cost of $0.50 per cubic yard for pit royal­ties.

18. Authorize the Highway Engineer to sign the Lake Country Power utility permit for overhead power at 1128 Fernberg Road, Ely, MN, CSAH 18.

19. Approve a three-day temporary on-sale liquor permit for Finland Fire Department for the dates of July 19-21, 2024 at the Clair Nelson Communi­ty Center in Finland, 6866 Cramer Rd Finland, MN 55603. Contingent on the payment of applicable fees. Absent: None

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND BALTICH: 04 – Approve the probationary appointment of Colleen Wallin to Environ­mental Services Professional at the Step 2 rate of $32.04 per hour effective May 16, 2024. Absent: None


05 – Approve the change in employee sta­tus of Scott Anseth, Highway Maintenance Coordinator, due to completion of trial pe­riod effective May 17, 2024. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 06 – Approve the resignation of Cristian Blair, Mechanic, effective May 10, 2024. Absent: None

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HURD: 07 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Mechanic. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 08 – Approve the retire­ment of Jacklyn Johnson, Administrative Assistant, effective June 6, 2024. Absent: None

MOTION HURD, SECOND BALTICH: 09 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Administrative Assistant. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 10 – Approve the change in employee status of Joseph Jacobs, Appraiser, due to completion of probation period effective May 20, 2024. Absent: None

MOTION HURD, SECOND BALTICH: 11 – Approve the 67-day temporary appoint­ment of Terry Costello, Mower Operator for Highway Department, at $18.00 per hour including maximum return incentive effec­tive June 10, 2024. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 12 – Approve the 67-day temporary ap­pointment of Kevin Olsen, Mower Operator for Highway Department, at $18.00 per hour including maximum return incentive effective June 10, 2024. Absent: None

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HURD: 13 – Adopt Resolution Authorizing a Tax Abatement on Property within Lake County for the Silver Bay New Home Grant Program. Absent: None

Board Chair Rich Sve called for a recess at 3:20 PM. The County Board meeting was reconvened at 3:28 PM with all members present except for Commissioner Rick Goutermont.

Assistant County Attorney Lara Nygaard provided a brief bio highlighting her edu­cation and experience. Commissioners asked questions of Ms. Nygaard regard­ing her interest in serving as the Interim County Attorney. Ms. Nygaard and board members conversed on several topics pertaining to the Office of the County Attorney. Board Chair Rich Sve thanked Ms. Nygaard for her time and discussed the next steps that this would be referred to the county negotiations committee to bring back recommendation to the County Board.

MOTION HURD, SECOND BALTICH: 14 – Adjourn Board meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners at 3:48 p.m. Absent: Goutermont

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings:

– Committee of the Whole, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at the Isabella Community Center, 9521 Lankinen Road, Isabella, Min­nesota.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.


Laurel D. Buchanan

Clerk of the Board

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Lake County Board of Commissioners

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