Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Tuesday, October 10, 2023. Lake County Board of Commissioners regularly sched­uled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve. Chair Sve led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by unanimous yea vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room (SRRR), 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: District 3 Commissioner Rich­ard “Rick” C. Hogenson, District 4 Com­missioner Jeremy M. Hurd, and District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. Board member absent: District 2 Commissioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont. Vacancy: First Dis­trict. Also present: County Administrator Matthew Huddleston, Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza, Land Commissioner Nate Eide, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan.

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Absent: Goutermont

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. No public comments were made.

Lake County Administrator Matthew Hud­dleston provided an update on several items of county business.

Lake County Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza advised regarding a recommended action for reinforcement and repair of Bridge 93091, Hawk Hill Road over the Knife River. Bridge 93091 is a four-span timber bridge on Hawk Hill Road, County Road 102, over the Knife River, and had been restricted to a reduced legal load weight capacity rating due to advanced deterioration of timber structural elements, including ice and debris damage. The legal load weight restriction has placed a hardship on residents at the end of Hawk Hill Road (a dead-end road) by limiting or preventing access to their homes for emer­gency and other services. The Lake Coun­ty Highway Department through contract with an engineering firm, has developed plans for a reinforcement and repair proj­ect that will increase the legal load weight capacity of bridge 93091 to allow emer­gency and other service vehicle access and reduce risk of further debris damage. Lake County resident Ryan Brucklemeyer was present for the discussion of the Hawk Hill Bridge and provided his concerns with the proposed recommendation and provided an alternative solution to complete ad­ditional reinforcements. The county board followed up with questions for both the Lake County Highway Engineer and Lake County resident Ryan Brucklemeyer.

Board Chair Rich Sve called for a brief recess at 3:21p.m. The meeting was re­convened at 3:27 p.m., with all members present except for Commissioner Derrick Goutermont. One item was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate board action.

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda, as amend­ed:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of Sep­tember 26, 2023.

2. Approve Health and Human Ser­vices claims payments in the fol­lowing amounts:

a. Administrative $ 18,198.08

b. Arrowhead Health Alliance $ 45,000.00

c. Region III $199,054.14

3. Approve and authorize the Board Chairperson to sign the Firewise Program Coordinator Service Agreement, between Lake County, (“the County”) Aaron Mollin-Kling, (“the Provider”), is entered into by the Lake County Emergency Man­agement Department for the period of January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, at the rate of $32.00 per hour, to manage wildfire mitigation and property protection services and projects. The salary is paid primarily out of Title III funds.

4. Approve and authorize the Lake County Environmental Services Director to sign the contract be­tween Lake County and Minne­sota Certified Individual C9672 Maintainer and Licensed Business L3896 (Superior Septic Service LLC), David S. Roeder, to conduct septic compliance inspections on systems identified in the recent residential outreach survey. These pumping services are fully funded by the Septic Survey grant received under the Lake Superior North One Watershed One Plan (LSN1W1P) program.

5. Approve payment in the amount of $27,747.82 to the Office of the State Auditor for Year-end 2022 audit services. This invoice covers the service dates 2/1/2023 to 8/29/2023 (OSS Invoice 72026).

6. Authorize the Highway Department to return to five (5) eight-hour days per week schedule, Monday through Friday, beginning on Mon­day, October 16, 2023.

7. Authorize payment to Lovin Lake County in the amount of $ 667,649.01, utilizing tourism tax dollars.

8. Authorize payment not to exceed the amount of $49,574.47 to SHI Corp. (Quote: 23965673 dated September 20, 2023).

9. Approve payment in the amount of $2,500 to the Ely Igloo Snowmobile Club for the work done to apply for State Bonding funds to build a bridge over the Kashiwi River for the snowmobile trail.

10. Authorize payment to the City of Ely in the amount of $9,696.00 for Fall Lake township’s portion of the Ely Area Ambulance Joint Powers Board (EAAJPB) (City of Ely, In­voice No. 2023-056, applying the new base rate of $15.15 per capi­ta.) Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 03 – Approve the Resolution Approving Award of a Construction Contract for Re­inforcement and Repair of Bridge 93091, Hawk Hill Road Over the Knife River to Northland Constructors of Duluth, Inc., for $126,570.00. Authorize the Board Chair to sign the construction contract pending County Attorney review. Absent: Gouter­mont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 04 – Set the date, time, and location for Truth in Taxation meeting, also known as the 2024 Levy and Budget Public Hearing, for Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lake County Highway Depart­ment, Highway 2 Meeting Room, 1513 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Minnesota. The purpose of the hearing is for the public to provide comments on the proposed 2024 levy and budget for Lake County. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 05 – Approve the probationary appoint­ment of Jessica Carr to Appraiser at the Step 2 rate of $24.54 per hour effective October 23, 2023. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 06 – Approve the probationary appoint­ment of Cristian Blair to Mechanic at the Step 1 rate of $23.71 per hour effective October 23, 2023. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 07 – Approve the resignation of Melissa Towns, Administrative Assistant, effective September 21, 2023. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 08 – Approve the recruitment for one part-time Administrative Assistant in Recorder’s Office. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 09 – Approve the resignation of Melissa McIntyre, Environmental Services Spe­cialist, effective October 13, 2023. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 10 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Environmental Services Specialist. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 11 – Approve the resignation of Meghan Cavallin, Administrative Clerk, effective October 20, 2023. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 12 – Approve the recruitment for one part-time Administrative Clerk. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 13 – Approve the resignation of Mary John­son, Cook, effective October 27, 2023. Ab­sent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 14 – Approve the recruitment for one part-time Cook. Absent: Goutermont

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 15 – Adjourn Lake County Board of Com­missioners’ meeting at 3:45 PM. Absent: Goutermont

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings:

– Committee of the Whole at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at the Town of Silver Creek (TTOSC), 1924 Town Road, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Ave­nue, Two Harbors, Minnesota,


Matthew J Huddleston

Acting Clerk of the Board Lake County

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Board of Commissioners


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