Friday, October 18, 2024


Tuesday, August 22, 2023. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regularly sched­uled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Vice Chair / Acting Chairperson Jeremy M. Hurd. Act­ing Chairperson Hurd led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by unanimous yea vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room (SRRR), 616 Third Avenue, Two Har­bors, Minnesota: District 2 Commissioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont, District 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Hogen­son, and District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd. Board member absent: District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. Vacancy: First District. Also present in the SRRR: Coun­ty Administrator Matthew Huddleston, County Auditor Linda Libal, Facilities Maintenance Director Curt Backen, En­vironmental Services Director Christine McCarthy, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Absent: Sve

Lake County Board Acting Chairperson Jeremy M. Hurd opened the floor for pub­lic comments. No public comments were made. Michelle McDonald, Director of the Lake County Development Achieve­ment Center, Inc. (DAC) appeared before the Board of Commissioners to discuss a proposal for changes to the operation of the Lake County Arrowhead Recycling Center. Currently the recycling center is staffed with DAC employees. Ms. McDon­ald talked about how some individuals with disabilities have been paid based on productivity, rather than an hourly rate, resulting in pay equating to subminimum wages, below the federal minimum wage. This wage structure is in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the DAC holds a 14C certificate from the Depart­ment of Labor. Legislative changes may affect compensation for DAC program participants. The DAC is asking the Coun­ty Board to consider dissolving the current agreement between the County of Lake and the DAC, and for the County to offer employment to existing recycling center employees and pay a competitive wage. The DAC continues to support program participants in applying for and gaining employment through area businesses. The Board of Commissioners advised that the County may consider the proposal. Lake County Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy was present for the discussion.

Lake County Environmental Services Di­rector Christine McCarthy presented an annual update for her department. The focus of this annual presentation is the Lake County Comprehensive Plan. A comprehensive plan is one of the primary tools used by local government to achieve the community vision, regulate land uses and guide future investments. Ms. McCa­rthy referred to Minnesota Statute 394.23, which states “The board has the power and authority to prepare and adopt by ordinance, a comprehensive plan. A com­prehensive plan or plans when adopted by ordinance must be the basis for official controls adopted under the provisions of 394.21 to 394.37.” Ms. McCarthy provided an overview and history of amendments to zoning ordinances. She provided an example of a comprehensive plan format with main categories including land use, water, energy, transportation, housing, trail, and public facilities. Additionally, Ms. McCarthy provided copies of an update on the septic survey, summarized by staff member Brandon Caltrider. The document title heading is LSN 1W1P FY 23 Septic Survey Update. The acronym is short for Lake Superior North (LSN) One Water­shed One Plan (1W1P) Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 23). A mailing including a notice and return postcards were mailed on June 15, 2023, to approximately 120 property own­ers within Tier 1 watersheds. Fifty respons­es were received. Initial discussions with installers, inspectors, and pumpers have taken place to assess the impacts of the next steps of this survey.

Lake County Administrator Matthew Hud­dleston provided an update on several items of county business. Lake County Auditor Linda Libal provided an update on the recommendation that the County Board adopt a resolution before the end of November 2023, that if adopted, would authorize mail balloting for all elections for Unorganized Territory No. 1 (UT#1), Lake County, Minnesota.

Lake County Facilities Maintenance Di­rector Curt Backen advised that he is present for any questions on his requests for board action. Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy thanked the County Board of Commissioners for the special meeting on August 15, 2023, for the purpose of approving and adopting the Northeast Minnesota Regional Solid Waste Management Plan.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda as presented:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of August 8, 2023.

2. Approve Board of Commissioners’ special meeting minutes of August 15, 2023.

3. Approve Health and Human Services claims payments in the following amounts:

a. Administrative $ 10,000.00

b. Region III $ 298,161.34

4. Authorize the County Board Chair to sign a letter of support for a region­al municipal disposal facility. This support is required for Lake County to have a regional location for future solid waste disposal once the Superior Landfill closes. The Keewatin location was presented as a potential sitting for a new landfill in the Northeast Minneso­ta Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. The purpose of proposing this site is to provide the region with ade­quate disposal capacity and reduce overall hauling distances and the re­lated costs associated with the region’s current Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposal system.

5. Approve and authorize the County Board Chair to sign the 2022 Agree­ment for Emergency Management Per­formance Grant (EMPG) funding from MN Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM).

6. Approve and authorize the County Recorder to sign the Acceptance and Authorization Agreement with U.S. Im­aging, Inc. for scanning and integrating Mortgage Records, Various Indexes, and Vital Records at an estimated cost of $97,324.71 to be paid for out of the Recorder’s Technology Fund Reserves.

7. Approve and authorize the County Re­corder to enter into an agreement with Mid-America Business Systems to dig­itize real estate records from microfilm at an estimated cost of $9,700 to be paid for out of the Recorder’s Technol­ogy Fund Reserves.

8. Amend the Lake County Board of Com­missioners’ meeting minutes of July 26, 2023, Motion 02, Consent Agenda item 3, as follows: Accept bids from Gary Stauss Construction (low bidder) dated May 30, 2023, for exterior up­grade projects for the Rukavina Arena and the Sonju Arena, at a cost not to exceed $22,000 per building. Both lo­cations are the same scope of project and will be priced the same, for total payment not to exceed $44,000.00. The difference between the bid price and the not to exceed amount is due to the unknown conditions of framing underneath current facias.

9. Accept bid #1634 dated July 15, 2023, for electrical panel upgrades at Sonju Arena (Two Harbors) and Rukavina Arena (Silver Bay); further resolved, authorize payment to Silver Creek Electric LLC (low bidder) in an amount not to exceed $11,000 for each location. Both locations are the same scope of project and will be priced the same with a total cost not to exceed $22,000.00.

10. Accept estimate dated August 9, 2023, for a facilities maintenance project to replace the roof soffits and to cover the existing wood facias/ bird boxes with aluminium on the exterior of the build­ing at the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Building in Silver Bay; further resolved, authorize payment to Gary Stauss Construction (low bidder) in the amount of $8,500.00 for proposed project.

11. Approve and award the bid price list­ed below for Wildfire Fuel Reduction (Stevens) Grant projects to reduce hazardous balsam fir understory and blow down on private lands in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas adjacent to USFS projects. Contract will be paid by Lake County and reimbursed by the federal Wildfire Fuel Reduction Grant.

Total Acres: 38

Total $: 41,645.10

12. Approve resolution approving repur­chase application as follows:

WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 282.241 provides that state tax forfeited land may be repurchased by the previous owner subject to payment of delinquent taxes and assessments, with penalties, costs, and interest; and

WHEREAS, the applicant, Nelson, has applied to repurchase state tax forfeit­ed land legally described as:

S1/2 OF E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4, SEC­TION 17, TOWNSHIP 55, RANGE 8

WHEREAS, The applicant was the taxpayer of record at the time of forfeiture and is eligible to pay for the repurchase of the property; and

WHEREAS, the owner of record will remain the same as the owner at time of forfeiture; and

WHEREAS, Approving the repur­chase will correct undue hardship and pro­mote the use of lands that will best serve the public interest;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake County Board approves the repurchase application by Nelson subject to payment totaling: $1,682.70 including service fees, deed tax, deed fee, and re­cording fee.

13. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign the renewal/amendment of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the Counties of Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching and Lake for the Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training (NEMOJT).

14. Accept proposals from Enterprise Fleet Management (EFM) for Lake County General Motor Pool Fleet (Proposal No. 7333669, 7321443, and 7333690) for the proposed purchases of six ve­hicles; authorize payment to EFM in an amount not to exceed $76,000.00 in a twelve-month period. This dollar amount also includes the maintenance program for the six vehicles.

15. Authorize the sale of up to 300 cubic yards of pit run gravel from the Goose­berry Pit in the Town of Silver Creek, at $2.00 per cubic yard, to the Minne­sota Department of Natural Resources for construction, maintenance, and realignment of the CJ Ramstad/North Shore snowmobile trail.

16. Authorize the sale of up to 750 cubic yards of pit run gravel from the Six Pit on Little Marais Road, County Highway 6, at $2.00 per cubic yard, to the Minne­sota Department of Natural Resources for construction and maintenance on area recreation trails. Absent: Sve

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HOGENSON: 03 – Approve the proba­tionary appointment of Patricia Liimatta to Accountant at the 2022 Step 1 wage of $26.55 per hour effective August 28, 2023. Absent: Sve

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 04 – Approve the ap­pointment of Lisa Knight to Senior Ac­counting Technician at the Step 3 wage of $25.37 per hour effective September 5, 2023. Absent: Sve

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HO­GENSON: 05 – Approve the resignation of Roger Walsberg, Highway Maintenance Worker, effective September 7, 2023. Ab­sent: Sve

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 06 – Approve the re­cruitment of one full-time Highway Mainte­nance Worker. Absent: Sve

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HO­GENSON: 07 – Petition by adjoining land­owners to vacate a portion of platted road known as Lake Street in the McPhee’s Addition to Knife River. Absent: Sve

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 08 – Approve the proba­tionary appointment of Katherine Ochtrup to Deputy Sheriff at the Step 2 wage of $29.06 per hour effective September 5, 2023. Absent: Sve

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 09 – Adjourn Lake Coun­ty Board of Commissioners’ meeting at 3:22 PM. Absent: Sve

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings:

– Budget meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 24, 2023, at the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Ave­nue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

– County Board Work Session at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, at the Lake County Highway Department, Hwy 2 meeting room, 1513 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Min­nesota.

– Agenda meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

– Public Hearing on proposed Lake County Unified Environmental Health Ordinance, at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

– Budget Meeting at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at the Law Enforcement Center, 613 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minne­sota.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at the Lake County Service Center,

 Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.


Laurel D. Buchanan Clerk of the Board

Jeremy M. Hurd, Acting Board Chairper­son

Lake County Board of Commissioner

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