Friday, October 18, 2024


Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Lake Coun­ty Board of Commissioners held a Public Hearing in the Lake County Service Cen­ter, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Ave, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

Board Members Present: District 2 Com­missioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont, District 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Hogenson, District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd, and District 5 Commis­sioner Rich Sve. Vacancy: First District. Board Members absent: None. Also pres­ent: Lake County Administrator Matthew Huddleston, Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan, and Lake County Health and Human Services (LCHHS) Director Lisa B. Hanson.

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the Public Hearing at 4:00 PM. LCHHS Director Lisa B. Hanson advised that this public hearing is regarding the proposed Unified Environmental Health Ordinance. Notice of the public hearing was published in the North Shore Jour­nal. In addition, the Lake County Health Department sent a letter to all Lake County food, pools and lodging license holders to inform them of the public hearing and solicit feedback on the proposed ordi­nance. The proposed ordinance has been reviewed and approved by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Ms. Hanson advised that the proposed ordinance com­bines four ordinances into one ordinance. This ordinance will repeal and replace:

• Lake County Food & Beverage Service Ordinance #7 dated April 9, 2019;

• Lake County Lodging Ordinance #10 dated July 26, 2011;

• Lake County Public Swimming Pool Ordinance # 21 dated July 26, 2011; and

• Lake County Youth Camp Ordi­nance #15 dated September 6, 2011.

Ms. Hanson advised that Lake County Public Health Department license fees have been reviewed for proposed updates to the fee schedule for 2024. The late fee calculation is the only proposed change from the 2023 fee schedule to the 2024 fee schedule. The current 2023 late fee is five percent (5%) of total license fee per day. The proposed 2024 late fee would be re­duced to two percent (2%) of total license fee per day.

Lake County has a Delegation Agreement with the State of Minnesota through its Department of Health (MDH), to maintain environmental health services for the pub­lic’s health and safety within Lake County. Environmental Health Program adminis­tration at Lake County is through its Public Health Department. Environmental Health Program administration at MDH is through the Food Pools and Lodging Services Sec­tion in the Environmental Health Division.

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Cen­ter (WRELC) Executive Director Peter Smerud attended the public hearing and spoke during the public comment period. Mr. Smerud advised that he received the communication regarding the proposed or­dinance and is attending the hearing today to learn about the changes and how the changes may affect WRELC. Ms. Hanson advised that there are no major changes. The purpose is to consolidate and simplify the ordinance. Mr. Smerud commented on the effective working relationship between his business and the Lake County Public Health Department. Mr. Smerud advised that the relationship with the County works well. He expressed appreciation that the County maintains its delegation agreement with the State for administration of the En­vironmental Health program.

LCHHS Director Lisa B. Hanson advised that LCHHS has received no comments on the proposed Unified Environmental Health Ordinance. Lake County Adminis­trator Matthew Huddleston and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan confirmed that the Commissioners’ office has received no comments on the proposed ordinance.

A license holder for a Vacation Rental Home arrived for the last few minutes of the public hearing. Tom Ringold comment­ed that he received the communication regarding the proposed ordinance and is attending to learn about it. Lake County Board Chairperson Sve opened the floor for additional public comments. Hearing no other public comments, the public com­ment portion of the hearing was closed at 4:10 PM.

Commissioners asked about how the County’s requirements compare to the State’s requirements. Ms. Hanson con­firmed that the proposed ordinance incor­porates Minnesota statutes and rules for food, pools and lodging by reference so establishments in Lake County are subject to the same standards.

The Lake County Board of Commission­ers may adopt the Unified Environmental Health Ordinance at its next action meet­ing, scheduled for the 12th day of Septem­ber, 2023.

This Public Hearing was adjourned at 4:12 PM on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.


Laurel D. Buchanan

Clerk of the Board

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Lake County Board of Commissioners

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