Friday, October 18, 2024


Date: June 6, 2023

To: All Interested Citizens, Organiza­tions and Government Agencies

From: Chad Kolstad, Infrastructure Unit Supervisor

Drinking Water Protection Section
Environmental Health Division

Subject: Drinking Water System Project

Loan Applicant: City of Silver Bay Loan

Project No.: 1380003-11

The City of Silver Bay is applying for a construction loan under the Minnesota De­partment of Health (MDH) drinking water revolving fund program and is, therefore, subject to the state environmental review process. This notice is to advise the public that MDH staff has reviewed the proposed project and has determined that preparing an Environmental Assessment Worksheet is not required.

The loan applicant has solicited public comment on potential environmental con­sequences. After reviewing any comments received we conclude that construction and project implementation will lead to no significant environmental impact.

The environmental summary included with this notice provides information on the existing and proposed drinking water infrastructure and associated environmen­tal considerations. If there are comments about this environmental review process, they must be received within 15 days. They should be submitted to:

Chad Kolstad
Minnesota Department of Health
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975

Environmental Summary


Project Name

Silver Bay – Water System Improvements
DWRF Project Number 1380003-11

Project Proposer

City of Silver Bay
c/o Ms. Lana Fralich, City Administrator
Silver Bay City Hall
7 Davis Drive
Silver Bay, Minnesota 55614

Project Location – Legal Description

Sections 29, 31, and 32, Township 56N, Range 7W
City of Silver Bay, Minnesota
Lake County

Present Water System, Need, and Selected Alternative

The City of Silver Bay’s existing water sys­tem consists of a surface water treatment plant supplied by water from Lake Supe­rior, two ground storage tanks, and distri­bution system piping with nine pressure zones. Many of the water system compo­nents have reached the end of their useful life and require upgrades or replacement.

The proposed project consists of the construct of a new booster station and associated watermain, distribution system improvements, and rehabilitation of the ex­isting water treatment plant.

Environmental Impacts

The primary impacts of the projects are the short-term construction related disturbanc­es such as dust and noise. The short-term impacts will be mitigated by the use of standard construction practices. Effective soil erosion and dust control measures will be carried out as often as necessary to prevent any dust or erosion that may be damaging to property, area vegetation, wildlife, adjacent lands, surface water bod­ies, or may cause a nuisance to persons in the vicinity.

Several Federal and State species were identified as potentially found in the project region. Nighttime noise and light will be limited to reduce impacts to these species. The project specifications and erosion con­trol plan will use natural fiber products and avoid the use of plastic-based materials that could ensnare or harm the sensitive species. A copy of the Blandings Turtle Fly­er will be provided to contractors.

The Northern Long-eared Bat was also identified in the US Fish and Wildlife search. Though the project is expected to have limited or no impact on the species, any dead, injured, or sick Northern Long-eared Bats found during the project will be reported to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The project is not expected to result in any direct impacts (other than those list­ed above) to: threatened or endangered plant or animal species or their habitats; wetlands; flood plains; nearby farmland; historic, architectural, cultural, or archaeo­logical features; shore lands; or air quality non-attainment areas.

Public Participation Program

The City of Silver Bay published the en­vironmental review public notice in the Northshore Journal on April 8, 2022. No comments were received.

Chad Kolstad
Chad M. Kolstad, P.E.
Minnesota Department of Health
Infrastructure Unit Supervisor Section
of Drinking Water Protection
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975

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