The regular meeting of the School Board of Lake Superior Independent School District No. 381 was held Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 6:00 p.m.; Two Harbors High School Community Room, 1640 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Minnesota.
1. Chair Tiboni called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Broin, Harriet Hagedorn, Dean Korri, Jeff Radle, Al Ringer, Tracy Tiboni, Steve VanHouse MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Superintendent, Jay Belcastro; Business Manager, Tanner Spawn; Principal, Julie Benson; Principal, Dan Johnson; Community Education Director, Bruce Remme; Recording Secretary, Debbie Peterson
3.1. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda:
Motion by Korri, second by VanHouse to approve the agenda with no additions. (Carried Unanimously)
4.1. Corrections to the Consent Agenda:
Motion by VanHouse, second by Ringer to approve the consent agenda as follows: Minutes: May 9, 2023, Personnel: Approve the following hires: Angela Hoff, Para, WKS (4.11.2023); Leah Ramli, LMCC; Fordes Lodin, Volunteer Asst. Baseball Coach, THHS, 5.18.23; MaryJayne Murphy, LMCC; Emily Sweatt, LMCC; Claire Sweatt, LMCC; Erin O’Brien, Para, WKS; Lelaini Peterson, School Garden Coord, WKS; Malaya Peterson, School Garden Student Asst., WKS; Emmy Bloomquist, LTS Teacher, WKS. 4.2.2 Accept the following resignations/retirements: Deb Alm, Para, Minne, 8 years; Faith Williams, LMCC, 6.21.23. 4.2.3 Termination of Probationary Employee, Local 70, Facilities. (Carried Unanimously)
5.1. LSSD Track Athletes/Coaches
5.2. Leah Bott, Technology
6.1. Approve Financial Reports:
6.1.1. Approve Bills ~ May 2023:
Motion by Ringer, second by Hagedorn to approve payment of the May bills in the amount of $576,656.26 (Carried Unanimously)
6.1.2. Approve Electronic Fund Transfers ~ May 2023:
Motion by Ringer second by Hagedorn to approve the May Electronic Fund Transfers: (05/9/23) $110,000.00 to the general account; (05/15/23) $650,000.00 to the payroll account; (05/16/23) $265,000.00 to the general account; (05/30/23) $157,000.00 to the general account; (05/30/23) $642,000.00 to the payroll account. (Carried Unanimously)
7. Committee Updates
7.1 Policy Committee: Report ~ Mr. Belcastro
7.2 Personnel Committee: No Report
8. New Business
8.1 Policies: #535 Service Animals, #714 Fund Balances. (1st Reading, No Action)
8.2 Narcan Policy Update, Molly Gadsby: Molly Gadsby, LSN discussed the Narcan/Naloxone policies that will be brought forward. (No Action)
8.3 Q Comp Annual Report ~ Tricia Hurd: Annual report of Q Comp presented with discussion (No Action)
8.4 Approve Food Service Contract, 7.1.23-6.30.25: Motion by Hagedorn, second by Ringer to approve the food service contract, 7.1.23- 6.30.25. (Carried Unanimously)
8.5 Approve ARCC Specific Services Contract, 23-24: Motion by Hagedorn, second by Radle to approve the Specific Service Contract with ARCC, 23-24 SY. (Carried Unanimously)
8.6 Accept the Resignation of Jesse Hennen, Psychologist: Motion by Hagedorn, second by VanHouse to accept the resignation of Jesse Hennen, Psychologist. (Carried Unanimously)
8.7 Approve the Recommendation to Hire Emma Downing, 1.0 FTE, Elementary Music Teacher, Minnehaha: Motion by Ringer, second by Hagedorn to approve the recommendation to hire Emma Downing. (Carried Unanimously)
8.8 Approve Annual Designation of the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for the MDE External User Access Recertification System, Superintendent: Motion by Korri, second by Hagedorn to approve Superintendent Belcastro as IOwA for Lake Superior School District. (Carried Unanimously)
8.9 Approve Resolution of Certifying the Population Estimate for 2023 Payable 2024 Levy of ISD #381: Member Hagedorn introduced the following resolution:
Member VanHouse duly seconded the motion of the foregoing resolution. Upon roll call vote being taken:
The following voted in favor thereof: Broin, Hagedorn, Korri, Radle, Ringer, Tiboni, VanHouse
The following voted against: None The following were absent: None
Whereupon, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted June 13, 2023.
Resolution in its entirety is available in the District Office ~ (Carried Unanimously)
8.10 Approve FY24 Budget:
Motion by Korri, second by Hagedorn to approve the FY23 Budget Summary as presented. (Carried Unanimously)
8.11 Approve Spanish Curriculum Purchase: Motion by Hagedorn, second by Broin to approve the Spanish curriculum purchase. (Carried Unanimously)
8.12 Approve Resolution Accepting Grants/Donations: Member VanHouse introduced the following resolution:
Member Korri duly seconded the motion of the foregoing resolution. Upon roll call vote being taken:
The following voted in favor thereof: Broin, Hagedorn, Korri, Radle, Ringer, Tiboni, VanHouse
The following voted against: None The following were absent: None
Whereupon, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted June 13, 2023.
Resolution in its entirety available in the District Office ~ (Carried Unanimously)
8.13 Preliminary MCA Test Results:
Preliminary test results discussed. (No Action Taken)
8.14 Strategic Planning:
Discussion. (No Action Taken)
8.15 School Board Meeting, 7.18.23, THHS Community Room, 6:00 p.m.:
Location changed due to construction. (No Action Taken)
9.1 Minnehaha Elementary ~ Principal Brett Archer:
Mr. Archer emailed the Board on Minnehaha activities.
9.2 Wm Kelley Schools ~ Principal Joe Nicklay:
Mr. Nicklay emailed the Board on WKS activities. Mr. Johnson presented curriculum updates.
9.3 Two Harbors High School ~ Principal Benson:
Ms. Benson updated the Board with THHS activities.
9.4 Community Education Director, Bruce Remme:
Mr. Remme updated the Board with Community Ed activities.
9.5 Superintendent, Mr. Jay Belcastro:
Mr. Belcastro updated the Board on District activities.
10.0 Closed Session
Motion by Hagedorn, second by Ringer to enter into closed session at 8:14 p.m.
10.1 Superintendent Evaluation
Motion by Hagedorn, second by Korri to re-enter into open meeting at 8:42 p.m.
Motion by Ringer, second by VanHouse to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Minutes taken by Debbie Peterson