Wednesday, March 5, 2025


The Lake County Planning Commission sat in session at 5:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

I-24-021r– Motion by Hoops support­ed by Bathke to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by James Udenberg and Jessica Haar (Agent: Kelsy Sklu­zacek & Dawn Janousek) at 1708 Hwy 61, Two Harbors MN 55616. The property is described as: Outlets 11 and 12 of Govt Lot 1 lying SE’ly of US Hwy 61 in Section 28, Township 53, Range 10 2.1 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior), R-4/ Residential District, 2-acre minimum, Sil­ver Creek Township. PID: 29-5365-28230. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed. (PCR-24-027)

I-24-022r– Motion by Ellefson sup­ported by Sve to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Thorson House of Lake County, LLC (Agent: Kul­len Birkeland) at 6076 Hwy 61, Silver Bay MN 55614. The property is described as: 1.31 acres out of Lot 1 as desc in BK 135 of Deeds pg 823 in Section 36, Township 57, Range 7 1.31 acres, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), RC/ Resort Commerical, 2-acre minimum, Beaver Bay Township. PID: 26- 5700-36199. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed. (PCR-24-028)

I-24-023r– Motion by Hoops support­ed by J. Ernest to recommend to County Board 5-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a va­cation rental home filed by Paula & Emily Ford at 165 Church Road, Knife River MN 55609. The property is described as: Lots 1-7 Block 20 in Townsite of Knife River in Section 31, Township 52, Range 11 0.46 acres, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), R-4/ Residential District, 10,000 sq. ft. mini­mum, Unorganized Territory 2. PID: 25- 5276-20020. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed. (PCR-24-029)

I-24-024i– Motion by Sve supported by J. Ernest to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of an ini­tial interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Alexander Gurtin (Agent: Scott Gurtin) at 2483 Hwy 61, Two Harbors MN 55616. The property is described as: E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Lying N of State Hwy No 61 as desc in BK 44 of Titles pg 216 in Section 1, Township 53, Range 10 17 acres, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), R-4/ Residential District, 2-acre minimum, Silver Creek Township. PID: 29- 5310-01740. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed. (PCR-24-030)

I-24-025i– Motion by Bathke supported by Ellefson to recommend to the County Board 5-year approval with conditions an interim use application to develop a grav­el pit that includes screening and pit run filed by Franconia Minerals LLC as the property is legally described as: NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in Section 25, Township 60, Range 10 40 acres, zoned shoreland (Teamster Lake), FR/ Forest Recreation, 10 acre minimum, Stony River Township. PID: 20- 6010-25730. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed. (PCR-24-031)

Silver Rapids Lodge EAW Petition- Motion by J. Ernest supported by Hoops to recommend to the County Board de­nial of the petition for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet be prepared for applications P-24-001 and C-24-007. The applications were filed by Silver Rapids Resort, LLC at 459 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55731. The property is described as: Government Lot 3 except the westerly 400 feet thereof of Section 32, Township 63, Range 11, 25 acres & Part of Govern­ment Lot 5 as desc in doc no A000160700 in Section 29, Township 63, Range 11 37 acres, zoned shoreland (White Iron & Farm Lake), RR/Residential-Recreational District, 1-acre minimum, Fall Lake Town­ship. PID: 28-6311-32070 / 29850. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed.

C-24-007– Motion by Bathke support­ed by J. Ernest to table the Conditional Use Permit to expand the existing Silver Rapids Lodge by 49 one-fourth fractional units for a total of 62 units along with a new main lodge facility, bar/restaurant, and re­sort amenities filed by Silver Rapids Re­sort, LLC at 459 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55731. The property is described as: Gov­ernment Lot 3 except the westerly 400 feet thereof of Section 32, Township 63, Range 11, 25 acres & Part of Government Lot 5 as desc in doc no A000160700 in Section 29, Township 63, Range 11 , zoned shoreland (White Iron & Farm Lake), RR/Residen­tial-Recreational District, 1-acre minimum, Fall Lake Township. PID: 28-6311-32070 / 29850. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed.

P-24-001– Motion by Bathke support­ed by J. Ernest to table the Preliminary Plat to convert Silver Rapids Lodge into a Planned Unit Development filed by Silver Rapids Resort, LLC at 459 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55731. The property is de­scribed as: Government Lot 3 except the westerly 400 feet thereof of Section 32, Township 63, Range 11, 25 acres & Part of Government Lot 5 as desc in doc no A000160700 in Section 29, Township 63, Range 11 37 acres, zoned shoreland (White Iron & Farm Lake), RR/Residen­tial-Recreational District, 1-acre minimum, Fall Lake Township. PID: 28-6311-32070 / 29850. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed.

C-24-007 & P-24-001 will reconvene on September 4th at 5:00 PM in the Lake County Law Enforcement Center, 613 Third Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616. The hearing will be available via Teams, please email planningandzoning@co.lake.mn.us for the link.

Motion by Hoops supported by Ellefson to approve the July 15, 2024 minutes as submitted. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Hoops supported by J. Er­nest to approve the July 18, 2024 minutes as submitted. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Bathke supported by Ellefson to approve the August 8, 2024 minutes with corrections. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Er­nest voted in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Sve supported by Bathke to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Ellefson, and J. Er­nest voted in favor, none opposed. Meet­ing adjourned at 8:49 p.m.


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