Sunday, February 23, 2025


The Lake County Planning Commission sat in session at 5:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

I-24-033r– Motion by Hoops supported by Bathke to recommend to County Board 5-year approval with conditions of a renew­al interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by David & Shari Hen­dren at 714 Stanley Road, Two Harbors MN 55616. The property is described as: NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 exc in 330 ft & exc wly 360 ft in Section 10, Township 52, Range 11, 21.59 acres, zoned non-shoreland, R-3/Residential District, 2.5 acre mini­mum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID: 25- 5211-10315. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-043)

I-24-034r– Motion by B. Ernest sup­ported by Sve to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by Shireen Ghanata­badi at 723 Hawk Hill Road, Knife River MN 55609. The property is described as: 15 acres out of the N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 as desc in doc no A000161583 in Sec­tion 18, Township 52, Range 11, 15 acres, zoned shoreland (Knife River & unnamed trout stream tributary), R-1/Residential District, 10 acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID: 25-5211-18670. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-044)

C-24-008– Motion by Bathke support­ed by Ellefson to approve with conditions a conditional use application for the amend­ment of Conditional Use Permits C-11-002, C-03-004, & C-93-007 for continued resort operations and the addition of 4 cabins filed by Timber Trail Lodge (Pond Enter­prises, LLC) at 629 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55732. The property is described as: That part of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK 52 of Titles pg 43; That part of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK of 53 of Titles pg 86; That part of Lot 1 as desc in Bk 53 of Titles pg 85; 1.96 acres out of Gov Lot 1 lying W of CO Rd 16 & 2.7- acres out of Gov Lot 1 lying E of CO Rd 16 exc 0.80 acres all as desc in Bk 53 of Titles pg 42; S 25 ft of Lot 1 lying 100 ft W of Farm Lake in Section 4, Township 62, Range 11, 12.42 acres, zoned shoreland (Farm Lake), RR/Residential-Recreational District, 1 acre minimum, Fall Lake Town­ship. PID: 28-6211-04130 / 04131 / 04072 / 04075 / 04080. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-042)

Revocation of C-93-007, C-03-004, & C-11-002– Motion by Bathke supported by B. Ernest to declare that the revocation is no longer necessary based on the approv­al of Conditional Use Permit C-24-008. The revocation was for Conditional Use Permits C-93-007, C-03-004, & C-11-002 issued to Timber Trail Lodge for oper­ations of resort units, campground, and lodge due to failure to rectify land use violations. The property is located at 629 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55731 and legal­ly described as: That part of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK 52 of Titles pg 43; That part of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK of 53 of Titles pg 86; That part of Lot 1 as desc in Bk 53 of Titles pg 85; 1.96 acres out of Gov Lot 1 lying W of CO Rd 16 & 2.7- acres out of Gov Lot 1 lying E of CO Rd 16 exc 0.80 acres all as desc in Bk 53 of Titles pg 42; S 25 ft of Lot 1 lying 100 ft W of Farm Lake in Section 4, Township 62, Range 11, 12.42 acres, zoned shoreland (Farm Lake), RR/Resi­dential-Recreational District, 1 acre mini­mum, Fall Lake Township. PID: 28-6211- 04130 / 04131 / 04072 / 04075 / 04080. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-034)

C-24-009– Motion by Hoops support­ed by Bathke to approve with conditions a conditional use application for the construction of a bulk propane loading facility and associated activities filed by Rock Island Home Watertown West Met (Agent: Superior Fuel Company) at 5715 Hwy 1, Silver Bay MN 55614. The property is described as: 4.00 acres out of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 as desc in Bk 101 of Deeds Pg 686 in Section 11, Township 56, Range 7, 4.0 acres, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), CR/Commerical-Rural District, 2 acre minimum, Beaver Bay Township. PID: 26- 5607-11700. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-045)

Motion by Sve supported by Bathke to approve the November 25, 2024 minutes as submitted. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed.

Motion by Bathke supported by B. Ernest to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


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