State of Minnesota
County of Lake
Ronelle L. Radle, being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says that she is the Auditor of the County of Lake; that she has examined the foregoing list, and knows the contents thereof; and that the same is a correct list of taxes delinquent for the year appearing upon real estate in said County.
/s/ Ronelle Radle
Ronelle L. Radle County Auditor
Lake County, Minnesota
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of February, 2025.
/s/ Wendy Morlang
Wendy Morlang
Notary Public
Lake County, Minnesota
The abbreviations used in the foregoing list of delinquent taxes are explained as follows: N means North, S means South, E means East, W means West, NE means Northeast, NW means Northwest, SW means Southwest, SE means Southeast, Nly means Northerly, Sly means Southerly, Ely means Easterly, Wly means Westerly, Nely means Northeasterly, Nwly means Northwesterly, Swly means Southwesterly, Sely means Southeasterly, Govt., Gov’t. and Gov. mean Government, A means Acres, Und means Undivided, No means Number, pt means point, bg means beginning, corn means corner, Cnty and Co mean County, Minn means Minnesota, S.H. means State Highway, T.H. means Trunk Highway, US means United States, Rd means Road, Hwy means Highway, ½ means half, ¼ means quarter, ft. means feet, RR means railroad, R of W means right of way, & means and, BK means Book, Cert. means Certificate, pg means page, D means Deeds, des and desc mean described, ex and exc mean except, dir means direction and Div means Division.
Interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum on the original tax plus penalty is calculated from January 1, 2025.
Approved as to form and execution this 3rd day of January, 2025.
/s/ Lara M. Nygaard Lara R.M. Nygaard
County Attorney
Lake County, Minnesota