Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeHealth & FitnessVA Whole Health

VA Whole Health

In a past life, I worked in IT problem manage­ment which used root cause analysis to find the true cause of a problem and an appropriate solu­tion. I was dealing with computer systems, but the concept can be applied to just about anything in our daily lives. You may continue applying proverbial duct tape to every superficial problem (symptom) or you may start digging to find the cause or source (roots) of your issue, illness, or unsatisfactory outcome. Successful analysis re­quires a basic understanding of the inner work­ings, connections, and relationships. VA offers a care option, Whole Health, allowing you and your health care team to drill down to and ana­lyze the source… you!

I feel obligated to share a disclaimer about my lack of medical professional credentials. I am merely the messenger passing along what might be a life-changing alternative to your current health care regimen or it might be non-applica­ble words passing in one ear and out the other or in one eye and out the other. I must warn the skeptics, as there are some care options which may seem unconventional, even mystical or earthy. I have it on good authority, my mother and other Veterans, these voodoo-like treatments such as acupuncture really work.

Taken right from VA’s website… Whole Health means thinking about and approaching your health in a new way. Through conversations and courses, VA staff and Veteran peers will get to know you. They will work with you to set health and well-being goals based on your needs and what matters to you. Whole Health puts you, not your symptoms, at the center of your care decisions. Whether you want to wake up with less pain, change careers, reduce stress, or move more, you can start by talking with your health care provider or participating in a Whole Health course. A key component is the Circle of Health which helps you explore connections between important aspects of your life and your health and well-being. Improving one area can benefit other areas and influence your overall physical, emo­tional, and mental health.

Veterans in northern Minnesota or other rural areas might not have direct access to a VA medi­cal center where Whole Health programs are of­fered, but VA does have some online or telehealth components. Regardless of current availability, talk to your VA physician about Whole Health. The more we ask and show a need, the more like­ly our opportunities will grow.


Brad Anderson is the Lake County Veterans Ser­vice Officer and can be reached at 218.834.8326, or cvso@co.lake.mn.us  

Karen Christianson is the Cook County Vet­erans Service Officer and can be reached at 218.387.3639, or karen.christianson@co.cook.mn.us


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