Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeEditorialLetters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

The Lake County Planning and Zoning meeting on August 8 in Fall Lake Township had some very notable moments, aside from the fact that the hall didn’t hold all of the public that wanted to attend. The commit­tee had to pause multiple times in their deliberation due to ex­cessive noise from groups of ATVs passing by the office on the Kawishiwi Trail. Clearly, attracting more ATVs to the area with this resort expansion is going to make the noise lev­el much higher, and ATV traf­fic is already having a negative impact on life in Fall Lake Township. The second moment was when a P&Z commission­er dismissed one of the points in the EAW petition regarding pollution entering the Bound­ary Waters. He said, “that’s not close to here.” I don’t think that commissioner has any idea where Fall Lake Township is, nor where the Boundary Wa­ters is. The Boundary Waters is less than 5 miles away, and the White Iron Chain is a RIV­ER. It flows directly into the Boundary Waters.

It is apparent that a project of this size deserves a differ­ent standard than the typical variance for a garage on a non­conforming lot. A $45 to $50 million project needs more than a 4-page letter sent to 100 addresses within a half-mile of the project. The citizens of Lake County deserve to have more than 10 days to comment on a project of this size that we know nothing about. It is time to update the policies and pro­cedures.

In addition, many of the pro­tections that were asked for at the first meeting should be writ­ten into the variance approvals as requirements. You should require Dark Sky-compliant lighting. We need quiet hours required. We need require­ments regarding boat washing stations. We need a water study to be required. The promises of an investment group are empty promises at best.

If this project is indeed not an environmental hazard, they will be able to prove that through the EAW process.

Given the size and location of the Silver Rapids Expan­sion Project and the impact it could have on our community here in Fall Lake Township, and on the White Iron chain of lakes we love, we hope Lake County will recommend that the applicant be required to prepare an Environmental Im­pact Worksheet. We thank you for taking the time for a care­ful and thorough review of this project. The applicant should be required to put into writing all the information you need to fully evaluate and make rec­ommendations regarding this project. An EAW would also provide our community with a thorough explanation of what is actually planned by the ap­plicant.

Linda Ganister
Ely, MN

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