Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeCommunityWilliam Kelley Sophomore Organizes Toy Drive

William Kelley Sophomore Organizes Toy Drive

For those whose budgets are stretched, the Christmas season can feel stressful in­stead of joyful. “All kids deserve a fun Christmas,” William Kelley School sophomore Sierra Geatz said when I interviewed her Tuesday about a toy drive she is organizing. A member of student coun­cil, and an athlete in track, cross-country, and basket­ball, Geatz had an idea to hold a toy drive for WKS students. “I was like in history one day,” Geatz re­members of when the idea first came to her. She spoke to Principal Dan Johnson and WKS Counselor Jo Martinez about her idea, and when given the green light to go ahead, began planning how to make sure every WKS student had a good Christmas.

Forms were sent home with students for their par­ents to fill out if they were having difficulty making ends meet and purchasing gifts. These forms, once returned to the school, will determine the students that receive presents from the toy drive. From December 2nd to 12th, community members can donate toys to the drive by dropping them off at the William Kelley School office. Af­ter the drive, any extra toys will be given to the Salva­tion Army to be distributed to others in need of a little extra holiday cheer.

Organizing the toy drive drew Sierra Geatz’s atten­tion to another section of Silver Bay that might be lonely during Christmas – residents of Carefree As­sisted Living who don’t have family members that can come visit over the holidays. To make sure these seniors aren’t forgot­ten, Geatz and other WKS students will be holding a Christmas party at Care­free on December 18th from 10:00-11:00 a.m.. The fourth-grade class is mak­ing cards for the residents, treats will be shared, and students and seniors will play games.

Sierra Geatz wants every­one to have a merry Christ­mas, and to experience the joy of the season. So, to ev­eryone, from Sierra, Merry Christmas!

Haley Searls
Haley Searls
Hello! My name is Haley Searls. I’ve loved writing from an early age, though my nonfiction writing at five years old consisted mainly of weather and gardening reports. I still have some of those early articles: “It’s sunny.” “It’s still sunny.” “It’s raining.” I’m glad to say my writing has improved since then. I wrote a guest post for the Silver Bay Public Library blog, and was the writer/editor of the newsletter for my American Heritage Girls troop. I have been writing for the North Shore Journal since June 2022. Besides writing, I love reading, drawing, photography, music, and spending time with family and friends. Two books that have really influenced my writing are Reforming Journalism by Marvin Olasky and Writer to Writer by Bodie and Brock Thoene. As a journalist, I want to share positive community interactions and inspire people to make lasting connections. Article topics that interest me are ones which show community activities and involvement. Such articles include community events, youth accomplishments, library programming, small businesses, local history, local artists and authors, art programs, and cultural events such as theater and dance. If you have an article idea, email the North Shore Journal with my name in the subject line! I look forward to hearing from you!

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