The North Shore Storm 12U girls hockey team spent the weekend of December 13-15 in International Falls, competing in their first tournament of the...
The Two Harbors Agates Swim and Dive Team celebrated their phenomenal season with a festive holiday party where even Santa made a surprise appearance....
Since its publication in 1843, Charles Dickens’ classic novella A Christmas Carol has become one of the most recognizable Christmas tales, and has been...
Two Harbors Finance Director, Miranda Pietila presented the City Council and a small number of city residents with the proposed budget and property tax...
William Kelley students, Sarah Maxwell, Nevaeh Lahti and Talon Williams, spoke to the School Board last week about their recent experience at a statewide...
The County Board of Lake County ordains as follows:
Section 1. Definitions
Terms used in this ordinance and defined in Minn. Stat. ch. 342 (2023), as...