Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeCommunityThe Arrowhead Eagles Aviation Organization (AEAO) offering $2,500 scholarship

The Arrowhead Eagles Aviation Organization (AEAO) offering $2,500 scholarship

The Arrowhead Eagles Aviation Organiza­tion (AEAO) will provide a $2,500 scholar­ship to anyone who aspires to a career in the aviation industry or wishes to pursue flight training leading to a pilot’s license. This will be the 6th aviation scholarship awarded by the Eagles, a Cook County based non-profit with a mission to provide support to aviation in our community. The scholarship is made possi­ble by funds raised through the annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast and personal donations to the Eagles. The scholarship winner will be an­nounced at the Eagles annual meeting on Satur­day, May 18th at Skyport Lodge.

Applicants must be 15 years of age or older, and must be enrolled within a year of acceptance of the scholarship in an aviation training program with an accredited aviation curricu­lum, or a Certified Flight Instructor. The schol­arship is limited to Minnesota Cook County or Lake County residents. Prior applicants are encouraged to reapply. Application forms will be available at the Cook County airport, 123 Airport Road, Grand Marais, or by email at airport@boreal.org.  The final deadline for submitting the application is May 1.

In addition to pilot training, aviation careers include maintenance technicians, flight at­tendants, fixed-base operators (FBO), airline scheduler and dispatcher, aviation sales, FAA air traffic controllers, airport operations manager, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and aeronautical engineers.

The Arrowhead Eagles Aviation Organi­zation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to the value and beauty of flight in support of Cook County’s airport, and avia­tion tradition through promotion of aviation events, airport enhancements, youth-oriented activities and opportunities and to encourage community use and a friendly atmosphere at the airport.

For additional information on the scholar­ship or the Eagles organization, please contact Mike Raymond, Eagles President, at 218-370-0373, or Rodney Roy, VP, at 218-387-3024.

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