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HomeCommunityThe Annual Finn-Minster Dog Show at Trestle Inn raised $2110.00 for the...

The Annual Finn-Minster Dog Show at Trestle Inn raised $2110.00 for the Lake County Humane Society

By Krista Starkovich

The Trestle Inn Food and Saloon held its annual Finn-Minster Dog Show on August 17th, 2024. It is an annual event that cel­ebrates dog’s talents, individualism and per­sonalities. It is a great get together for peo­ple who have dogs, love dogs and all an­imals. Everyone who brought their furry family member joined in on the fun while raising money for a great cause.

The dog show of­fered many competi­tive categories for the dogs to enter:


Many dogs won spe­cial trophies, treats and medals, while their owner’s also won prizes. The judg­es receive not so sub­tle bribes during the competition, which is a fun way to earn more money for the animals. There were two dogs that arrived at the event together, dressed up in swim­suits with visors. They were a real hit and ev­eryone thought they were hilarious. Of course, they won the best dressed catego­ry. A precious pooch named Ariel was the top “dog” of the day, winning the best smile, best in show and the 50/50 raffle. Ariel’s owner donated his winnings from the 50/50 raffle back to the Lake County Hu­mane Society, which was greatly appreciat­ed by all.

There were many different events to par­ticipate in, including a silent auction, raf­fles, a bake sale and hot dogs with fixings. They also had a table set up to paint your own dog bowl.

Sue Amundsen Butler, owner of the Trestle Inn, start­ed the Finn-Minster Dog Show almost 15 years ago. Sue started it because she want­ed to help adoptable pets find their forever homes. She also want­ed to raise money to assist the Lake Coun­ty Humane Society in helping and caring for all the abandoned dogs and animals in need. Over the years, Sue has found many abandoned dogs left in the woods, includ­ing puppies. A big dog lover, Sue wanted to do what she could to make a difference. Over the years, the annual Finn-Minster

event has been able to raise a lot of money to help the local animals in need and the Lake County Humane Society looks forward to this event every year. It is one of their largest fundraisers. It is also entertaining and a lot of fun for everyone involved. This year Finn-Minster raised $2,110. The Lake County Humane Society currently has some animals up for adoption. Diesel is one of the featured animals looking for his forever home.

Diesel is a 1.5 year old Pit Bull who is lots of fun and loves to play. He has lived with other dogs, has been very well socialized and loves everyone! He does have energy so he will do best in an active home. Diesel is neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and ready for a long life of happiness! If you are interest-ed in adopting a pet to give them a forever home, contact Lake County Humane Society at 218-834-5806.

Don’t forget to check out the upcoming event The Bev Bright Memorial Pet Walk and Family Fun Day! A fundraiser for the Lake County Hu-mane Society. This event will be held at the Lake County Fairgrounds, Sunday September 8th at 1 p.m. You can find more in-formation about this event on their Face-book page. You can also check out their ad on page 2 or pledge form inserted in this week’s Northshore Journal. Make sure to come out next year to the Finn-Minster Dog Show at the Trestle Inn for a good time and a great cause.


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