Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeCommunitySilver Bay Music In the Park Series: Corrections and Clarifications

Silver Bay Music In the Park Series: Corrections and Clarifications

There are three signs you might need a vacation from your day job:

  1. When your boss asks what you are doing for the weekend in a meeting with some of your colleagues, you say, “Well, it’s open fishing.” You are teased relent­lessly throughout the rest of the meeting.
  2. You apologize profusely to your co-­worker for not sending her the email you promised last week. She replies, “You sent that to me last week.”
  3. You make mistakes about dates in your side gig in two consecutive articles.

The good news is that I am now off work for ten days for a beautiful relaxing staycation. The bad news is that my mistakes likely caused con­fusion and I’m appreciative of everyone’s patience as I work to correct and clarify those errors.

Please note, the Jayhawks concert is Fri­day, August 23rd, erroneously reported as August 26th. In the previous story about the concert series, I had written that Erik Koski­nen was coming on August 26th, which is also incorrect. Erik Koskinen will play on August 16th.

My friend, Nelson French, serves as the pres­ident of Rocky Wall Productions which is the non-profit behind the series. He emailed me about the dates and commented, “I think you have something in your mind for August 26th.”

Another clarification to make is about the Benefit House Concerts, where a majority of the acts have agreed to put on a smaller show on Saturday after the public con­certs. I had advised that the concerts are private and have limited tickets. Please note, these concerts are open to the public and a limited number of tickets (40) are available due to the smaller size of the venue.

The bands performing in the Benefit House Concerts are donating their time to help Rocky Wall Productions raise funds to sup­port the Friday night concerts, which are free, open to the public, and held at the City Center Park from 7:30-9:00 PM.

At the time of this writing, the Jayhawks Benefit House Concert is sold out, but tick­ets are still available for the other bands. For more information, a schedule of events, tick­et sales, and more, visit rockywallproduc­tions.org. The Benefit House Concert details are in the “Events” section of the site, under “Benefit House Concerts”.

Thanks again for your patience with the er­rors that were made in the previous issues. I promise, despite the vacation, I’ll likely make more in the future but I will let you know when I do!

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