For the past five years, the North Shore 4-H Club, led by Viola Hanson, has held a fruit fundraiser. The North Shore 4-H Club meets the 2nd Sunday of each month at Herringbone Farm, and the club’s focus is on community service projects, crafts, educational events, learning about animals to be shown at the Lake County Fair, and fundraising activities.
Five years ago, North Shore 4-H was looking for a different type of fundraiser. 4-H used to sell fruit, but it had been a long time since that was common, and there had been years with no fruit sold. “It takes time and organization to put it together,” Viola Hanson explained. “So, as a club, we thought, let’s try it again.”
Each year, since North Shore 4-H restarted the fruit sales, many people will ask when the next fruit sale is, and request to be placed on a list to order fruit. “The fruit is very good, so selling it is very easy,” Hanson says. Many customers have come back year after year.
Viola Hanson is in contact with Minntex Fundraiser, based in Windom, MN. “They are an easy company to work with.” She tells Minntex what price range North Shore 4-H would like. “I have always put us in the middle. It keeps the price reasonable for our customers, plus we are able to get some profit off of it.” Each 4-H member’s family receives an order form with a code. Customers can either place an order online using the code, or by filling out the form. North Shore 4-H has around 4 weeks to sell the fruit. “At the end of the sale, I submit all the orders,” Hanson says. She is then given a delivery date, and a semi truck comes on that date to deliver the fruit “a pallet or more”, to Herringbone Farm. There, it is sorted and ready to be delivered.
Every year, $500 of the funds raised go towards blessing a Two Harbors family at Christmas. This year, funds will also go toward adding another pergola to the 4-H building at the Lake County Fairgrounds. The pergola will feature flowers, lights, and a bench, and will be there during the fair. Other funds raised go towards supporting the 4-H club members’ projects, and activities for them to “go and do”. In the past, these activities have included Blu, State Livestock, and State Horse.
North Shore 4-H has a few upcoming activities – a monthly club meeting for all ages, a county club meeting for 6th-13th grade, and an Ambassadors meeting for 6th-13th grade. June 18 will be their Project Funday at the fairgrounds, and North Shore 4-H will be at the Lake County Fair August 8-11.
Great work with the fruit fundraiser, North Shore 4-H. It’s enjoyable to receive some fresh fruit to cheer up a gray winter.
For those interested in learning more about 4-H, contact Tracey, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, at turne275@umn.ed or (218) 834-8379.