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More on Bay Days – Fun For Everyone!

By Krista Starkovich

Bay Days kicked off with an outdoor carni­val at Carefree Living. It was packed with food, fun, games and facility tours. If you were in the mood for a little shopping, you could stroll by the var­ious vendors ranging from a variety of jew­elry, all natural make­up, to very impres­sive pottery made by a former student from William Kelley High School, Kari Carter.

On Friday, Alumni & Friends gathered together for a Mari­ner Golf Scramble at the Silver Bay Golf Course. North Shore Area Partners had a bake sale with all kinds of goodies and special treats.

Throughout the en­tire weekend the kids bounced, jumped and played endlessly on the free bounce houses and the bungee tram­polines.

Friday evening the streets were lined with anticipation for the parade to start. Kids raced to gather up candy thrown from the floats. The V.F.W. Eveleth Clown Band from Eveleth, MN were a hit! The energy and fun they added to the parade was excep­tional, especially with how hot it was out! The school spirit res­onated with the Class of 1974’s 50th re­union float. A few oth­er highlights were the DeLorean and Olson Trucking and Excavat­ing’s truck decorated with PAC Man. Of course, everyone who participated in the pa­rade was wonderful.

After the parade many enjoyed a free concert with Timmy Haus, a local favorites from the North Shore.

Many finished the night off with a spec­tacular fireworks dis­play put on by the Silver Bay Fire De­partment. A pancake breakfast was put on also by the Silver Bay Fire Department, which was enjoyed by many people through­out the weekend. Many of them com­mented about how much they enjoyed it and they look forward to it every year.

This year was the 17th Annual Bay to Bay Run/Walk, which had a great turnout.

The Silver Bay Li­brary had its annual Bay Days Book Sale and, even with the cur­rent library construc­tion, it did well.

Everyone of all ages enjoyed the music of Gavin Leblanc & Friends. He is another hometown favorite!

North Shore Area Partners played bingo, had raffles and a silent auction. They had a very fun filled week­ end.

The Bean Bag Tour­ney is always serious business at Bay Days. This year’s champi­ons are Tosha & Steve Rohloff, 2nd place goes to Nick Spina & Josh Kaminski, and 3rd place goes to Bob Nelson & Corey Cook. The Silver Bay Fire Department puts on the bean bag tourna­ment every year and also does a raffle for special boards. This year the winner of the boards go to Joe Hill. Congratulations to ev­eryone!

The people who were not playing in the tour­ney could always go watch the amazing tal­ents of the BMX riders in their stunt shows. They did tricks and flips. The crowds were filled with excitement. If you wanted to test your own skills you could try ax throwing.

There was literally something for every­one at Bay Days to entertain themselves. Not to mention all the amazing food at the various food trucks. Nachos, tacos, sand­wiches, ice cream, ori­ental food, BBQ, pret­zels and much more.

To end the evening you could either go watch the lighted boat parade or go to the dance. The dance had to be moved to the arena due to weather concerns, which was a huge undertaking for the Bay Days staff. It was literally tearing down the entire stage and all the drink sta­tions and relocating them, including some of the food trucks and security.

Even though it was very hot and peo­ple had to go outside several times to get air, Show Me Your Hits and Pop Rocks rocked the stage. They sang and performed while people danced and sang along to all the greatest hits. At one point, Pop Rocks threw a bunch of bal­loons into the crowd. Everyone was having fun, dancing, and hit­ting the balloons with big smiles on their fac­es. It was a great way to end the evening.

On Sunday, Bay Days always holds an ecumenical service. This year it was held in the Reunion Hall.

Lots of people came out on Sunday to check out all the Col­lector cars as well. Some were even fea­tured at the parade.

To wrap things up, the raffles were drawn for the big prizes.

FIRST PLACE: Deb Johnson

SECOND PLACE: Dakota Marsh

THIRD PLACE: Patti Sanner

FOURTH PLACE: Patti Sanner

FIFTH PLACE: Tim Niemeyer

SIXTH PLACE: Hannah LeBlanc


EIGHTH PLACE: Rick Goutermont


Congratulations to all the winners!

The Bay Days Crew thanks all the sponsors for making another successful year. There is a lot of time, effort, sweat and tears that go into planning and pre­paring these events. It doesn’t go unnoticed. Well done, Bay Days Crew.


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