Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeCommunityLegacy Lake Fishing Volunteers Honored with Prestigious LeadingAge Minnesota Award

Legacy Lake Fishing Volunteers Honored with Prestigious LeadingAge Minnesota Award

By Randall Walz

The Legacy Lake Fishing Volunteers, a dedicated group of community members committed to enrich­ing the lives of veter­ans, have been hon­ored with 2025 Stars Among Us District B Volunteer of the Year Award by LeadingAge Minnesota. This rec­ognition underscores their unwavering ded­ication to supporting the residents of the Minnesota Veterans Home in Silver Bay through fishing out­ings, companionship, and initiatives that en­hance their quality of life.

LeadingAge Minne­sota, a prominent orga­nization advocating for aging services, annual­ly presents this award to groups that demon­strate exemplary com­mitment to elder care. The Legacy Lake Fish­ing Volunteers stood out among many con­tenders due to their innovative programs, tireless commitment, and deep-rooted im­pact within the veteran community.

“This award is a testament to the in­credible passion and dedication of our vol­unteers,” said Randall Walz, Public Relations Coordinator at the Minnesota Veterans Home – Silver Bay. “Through their love of fishing, they bring joy, camaraderie, and meaningful connec­tions to our residents.”

The Legacy Lake Fishing Volunteers have demonstrated a tireless dedication to ensuring that aging veterans have the op­portunity to enjoy the therapeutic and recre­ational benefits of fish­ing. They have con­sistently maintained a fishing experience that caters to the unique needs of residents, offering them the chance to relive cher­ished memories while providing something enjoyable to look for­ward to each week.

For many residents, these fishing trips provide a connection to fond memories of their past. One such resident was Pat, who, alongside her husband Buck, spent their younger years enjoying outdoor ac­tivities like fishing and camping. As they aged and faced mobil­ity, such experiences became less accessi­ble—until the Legacy Lake Fishing Volun­teers made them pos­sible again. Pat was so enthusiastic about these outings that she would eagerly dress in her outdoor fishing clothes and wait in the front lounge, hop­ing for a last-minute spot on the weekly trip. Once at Legacy Lake, she had a “spe­cial hot spot” where she often caught the biggest fish, a feat she proudly recounted to staff, fellow residents, and family members throughout the week.

Beyond fishing, their efforts extend to building a strong sup­port system. Many of the volunteers are vet­erans themselves, al­lowing them to foster deep, meaningful con­nections and provide much needed com­panionship, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness among residents. Support from so many orga­nizations such as the Freemasons, Amer­ican Legion, VFW, DAV and so many others make this work possible year after year.

The award was pre­sented at the Lead­ingAge Minnesota annual conference, where the Legacy Lake Fishing Volun­teers were celebrated for their contributions.


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