Saturday, March 29, 2025


In Cook County “The Times They Are A-Changin’: Federal Freezes and Cuts”

The threat of losing federal funding hangs like the Sword of Damocles over local and state governments around the country. In its most recent “County...

The Long Way Home

Social media taught me that we can hardly expect politicians and their handlers to demon­strate truth and honesty when most of us have a...

Sawtooth Mountain Clinic Welcomes New Behavioral Health Director

Sawtooth Mountain Clin­ic (SMC) is pleased to welcome Cecilia Bloom­quist, LICSW as their new Behavioral Health Direc­tor. Cecilia is a Licensed Independent Social Work­er...

The Long Way Home

I wrote a column two weeks ago that hasn’t seen print and maybe won’t. It’s about how weak leaders lose respect whenever they are...

Carving Your Clan with Jeffrey Tibbetts Library to host hands-on soapstone carving workshop

Grand Marais, MN, March 10, 2025 - The Grand Marais Public Library is thrilled to host Carving Your Clan, an art and culture program...

Pete Mott Named SBDC Consultant in Grand Marais

Pete Mott of Grand Marais has been selected to succeed the retiring Pat Campanaro as the Small Busi­ness Development Center (SBDC) Consultant in Cook...

The Long Way Home

The Swedish Death Cleaning continues at Casa Fernlund but at a slower pace than a few weeks ago. The other day, The Bohunk opened...

Spirituality and the Arts at First Congregational Church

“Art is the path to being spiri­tual.” - Piet Mondrian First Congregational, UCC, will be hosting a Lenten jour­ney to explore Spirituality and the Arts...

Violence Prevention Center Reschedules Film Fundraising Event

The VPC’s annual film fundrais­ing event, Beyond the Reel, has been rescheduled for April 5th, af­ter being postponed due to a winter storm. The Violence...

Flintlock Range Association Receives IRRR Culture and Tourism Grant

The Flintrock Range As­sociation of Grand Marais received a $14,100 grant from Iron Range Resourc­es & Rehabilitation (IRRR) to complete the construc­tion and begin...


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Notice is hereby given that the town board of Crystal Bay Township, Lake Coun­ty, Minnesota will hold a special board meeting on April 15th,...